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There are currently 39 Phd students in all directions in DMSTI.

Erasmus+ ID code: LT VILNIUS01


Inactive Erasmus+ agreements


Country, City, University ID code Years
(Austrija, Zalcburgas) Austria, Salzburg, Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg  A SALZBUR03 2011-2016
(Bulgarija, Rousse) Bulgaria, Rousse, The University of Rousse BG ROUSSE01 2008-2011
(Bulgarija, Sofia) Bulgaria, Sofia, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG SOFIA06 2013-2016, 2012-2013
(Čekija, České Budějovice) Czech Republic, České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Education) CZ CESKE01 2011-2015
(Čekija, Liberec) Czech Republic, Liberec, Technical University of Liberec CZ LIBEREC01 2011-2016
(Graikija, Corfu) Greece, Corfu, Ionian University G ATHINE42 2011-2014
(Graikija, Kavala) Greece, Kavala, Kavala institute of technology G KAVALA01 2008-2011
(Graikija, Chania) Greece, Chania, Kreta, Polytecneio Kritis G KRITIS09 2009-2011
(Islandija, Reikjavikas) Iceland, Reykjavík, Reykjavik University IS REYKJAV05 2008-2011
(Ispanija, Almeria) Spain, Almeria, Universidad de Almeria E ALMERIA01 2009-2013
(Ispanija, Bilbao (& San Sebastián)) Spain, Bilbao (& San Sebastián), Universidad del Pais Vasco Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao E BILBAO01 2014-2021,2013-2014, 2009-2013, 2008-2009
(Ispanija, Granada) Spain, Granada, University of Granada E GRANADA01 2014-2016 
(Ispanija, Las Palmas) Spain, Las Palmas, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria E LAS-PAL01 2012-2016 
(Italija, Cassino) Italy, Cassino, Università degli Studi di Cassino I CASSINO01 2012-2014, 2008-2012
(Italija , Foggia) Italy, Foggia, Università degli Studi di Foggia I FOGGIA03 2011-2015, 2009-2011
(Italija, Milanas) Italy, Milan, Università degli Studi di Milano I MILANO01 2012-2016
(Italija , Neapolis) Italy, Naples, Seconda Università di Napoli I NAPOLI09 2013-2014, 2008-2010
(Italija, Pavia) Italy, Pavia, Università degli Studi di Pavia I PAVIA01 2012-2014
(Jungtinė Karalystė, London) UK, London, London Metropolitan University UK LONDON142 2009-2012
(Jungtinė Karalystė, Uxbridge) UK, Uxbridge, Middlesex, Brunel University UK UXBRIDG01 2011-2014, 2008-2011, 2007-2008
(Kipras, Nikosija) Cyprus, Nicosia, University of Cyprus CY NICOSIA01 2008-2011
(Lenkija, Krokuva) Poland, Kraków, The AGH University of Science and Technology PL KRAKOW02 2012-2016
(Nyderlandai, Eindhoven) Netherlands, Eindhoven, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven NL EINDHOV17 2009-2012
(Nyderlandai, Groningen) Netherlands, Groningen, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen NL GRONING01 2011-2013, 2007-2010, 2014-2017
(Norvegija, Adger) Norway, Adger, University of Adger N KRISTI01 2011-2014
(Portugalija, Aveiro) Portugal, Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro P AVEIRO01 2009-2014, 2007-2009
(Portugalija, Lisabona) Portugal, Lisbon, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa P LISBOA04 2008-2009
(Portugalija, Porto) Portugal, Porto, Universidade do Porto P PORTO02 2013-2014, 2009-2013
(Prancūzija, Cachan) France, Cachan, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan F CACHAN03 2009-2011
(Prancūzija, Lilis) France, Lille, Universite Lille1 F LILLE01 2009-2010
(Prancūzija, Paryžius) France, Paris, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie F PARIS006 2010-2014, 2008-2013
(Rumunija, Ploiesti) Romania, Ploiesti, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti RO PLOIEST01 2010-2015, 2010-2014
(Slovėnija, Ljubljana) Slovenia, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana SI LJUBLJA01 2010-2015, 2010-2013
(Slovėnija, Maribor) Slovenia, Maribor, University of Maribor SI MARIBOR01 2013-2015, 2012-2014
(Suomija, Hämeenlinna) Finland, Hämeenlinna, HAMK University of Applied Sciences SF HAMEENL09 2009-2011
(Suomija, Helsinkis) Finland, Helsinki, Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) – now: Aalto University School of Science and Technology SF ESPOO01 2008-2014
(Suomija, Jyväskylä) Finland, Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä SF JYVASKY01 2011-2014
(Suomija, Joensuu) Finland, Joensuu, University of Joensuu SF JOENSUU01 2010-2013, 2007-2010
(Suomija, Kuopio) Finland, Kuopio, University of Eastern Finland SF KUOPIO12 2010-2015
(Suomija, Tampere) Finland, Tampere, University of Tampere SF TAMPERE01 2013-2014, 2008-2013

(Švedija, Uppsala) Sweden, Uppsala, Uppsala Universitet

S UPPSALA01 2011-2013
(Turkija, Ankara) Turkey, Ankara, Middle East Technical University TR ANKARA04 2007-2014
(Turkija, Eskisehir) Turkey, Eskisehir, Eskisehir Osmangazi University TR ESKISEH02 2011-2016
(Turkija, Stambulas) Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul University TR ISTANBUL03 2013-2015
(Turkija, Izmiras) Turkey, Izmir, Izmir University of Economics TR IZMIR04 2010-2013
(Turkija, Konya) Turkey, Konya, Selcuk University TR KONYA01 2011-2013
(Vengrija, Budapeštas) Hungary, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) HU BUDAPES01 2011-2014
(Vokietija, Berlynas) Germany, Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin D BERLIN01 2011-2014
(Vokietija, Dresdenas) Germany, Dresden, Dresden University of Applied Sciences D DRESDEN01 2013-2014, 2010-2013, 2008-2010
(Vokietija, Miunchenas) Germany, Munich, Technische Universität München D MUNCHEN02 2012-2013
(Vokietija, Münster) Germany, Münster, University of Münster D MUNSTER01  2010-2015, 2009-2011
(Vokietija, Siegen) Germany, Siegen, University of Siegen D SIEGEN01 2010-2014


Country, City, University ID code Years
Austria, Vienna, Vienna University of Technology A WIEN02 pdf2014-2018
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar, Džemal Bijedić University of Mostar MOSTAR pdf2016-2021
Bulgaria, Sofia, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG SOFIA06 pdf2014-2021
Bulgaria, Sofia, Technical University – Sofia BG SOFIA16 pdf2014-2021
Czech Republic, České Budějovice, University of South Bohemia (Faculty of Education) CZ CESKE01 pdf2014-2020
Czech Republic, Liberec, Technical University of Liberec CZ LIBEREC01 pdf2014-2020
Estonia, Tartu, University of Tartu EE TARTU02 pdf2015-2021
Finland, Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä SF JYVASKY01 pdf2014-2017
Finland, Kuopio, University of Eastern Finland SF KUOPIO12 pdf2014-2020
Finland, Tampere, University of Tampere SF TAMPERE01 pdf2014-2021
Finland, Turku, University of Turku SF TURKU01 pdf2016-2020
Germany, Munich, Technische Universität München D MUNCHEN02 pdf2013-2020
Germany, Siegen, University of Siegen D SIEGEN01 pdf2014-2021
Greece, Corfu, Ionian University G ATHINE42 pdf2014-2021
Hungary, Budapest, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) HU BUDAPES02 pdf2015-2021
Hungary, Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) HU BUDAPES01 pdf2014-2021
Italy, Bari, Politecnico di Bari I BARI05 pdf2016-2021
Italy, Cosenza, Università della Callabria I COSENZA01 pdf2014-2021
Italy, Ferrara, Università degli Studi di Ferrara I FERRARA01 pdf2016-2021
Italy, Naples, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II I NAPOLI01 pdf2014-2021
Italy, Pavia, Università degli Studi di Pavia I PAVIA01 pdf2014-2021
Latvia, Riga, University of Latvia LV RIGA01 pdf2014-2020
Macedonia, Ohrid, University of Information Science and Technology "Saint Paul the Apostle" MK OHRID01 pdf2014-2021
Macedonia, Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje MK SKOPJE01 pdf2014-2020
Marocco, Ifrane, Alakhawayn University Ifrane pdf2018-2021
Netherlands, Eindhoven, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven NL EINDHOV17 pdf2014-2017
Netherlands, Nijmegen, Radboud University NL NIJMEGE01 pdf2014-2021
Netherlands, Utrecht, Eljakim Information Technology bv [student placement agreement] pdf2014-2020
Norway, Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen N BERGEN01 pdf2017-2021
Norway, Trondheim, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) N TRONDHE01 pdf2016-2021
Poland, Gdansk, Gdańsk University of Technology PL GDANSK02 pdf2016-2021
Poland, Kraków, The AGH University of Science and Technology PL KRAKOW02 pdf2014-2021
Portugal, Aveiro, Universidade de Aveiro P AVEIRO01 pdf2014-2021
Portugal, Faro, Universidade do Algarve P FARO02 pdf2014-2020
Portugal, Porto, Universidade do Porto P PORTO02 pdf2014-2021
Romania, Pitesti, University of Pitesti RO PITESTI01 pdf2014-2021
Slovakia, Bratislava, Comenius University in Bratislava SK BRATISL02 pdf2017-2021
Slovakia, Ruzomberok, Catholic University in Ruzomberok SK RUZOMBE01 pdf2016-2021
Slovenia, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Aalto University School of Science and Technology SI LJUBLJA01 pdf2014-2021
Slovenia, Maribor, University of Maribor SI MARIBOR01 pdf2016-2021
Spain, Bilbao (& San Sebastián),
Universidad del Pais Vasco Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao (& Faculty of Informatics in San Sebastián)
E BILBAO01  pdf2015-2021
Spain, Granada, University of Granada E GRANADA01  pdf2016-2021
Spain, Malaga, Universidad de Málaga E MALAGA01 pdf2014-2021
Spain, Tenerifė, Universidad de La Laguna E TENERIF01 pdf2017_2021
Turkey, Ankara, Ankara University TR ANKARA01 pdf2014-2020
Turkey, Ankara, Hacettepe University TR ANKARA03 pdf2014-2021
Turkey, Ankara, Middle East Technical University TR ANKARA04 pdf2014-2021
Turkey, Denizli, Pamukkale University TR DENIZLI01 pdf2014-2020
Turkey, Eskisehir, Eskisehir Osmangazi University TR ESKISEH02 pdf2014-2021
Turkey, Istambul, Bahcesehir University TR ISTANBU08 pdf2017-2021
Turkey, Izmir, Izmir University of Economics TR IZMIR04 pdf2014-2021
Turkey, Konya, Selcuk University TR KONYA01 pdf2014-2021
Ukraine, Kiev, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv KYIV pdf2016-2021
Ukraine, Mykolayiv, V.O. Sukhomlinsky National University of Mykolayiv Mykolayiv pdf2017-2021

List of International Conferences, Symposia
organized by the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies


  • 13th International Doctoral School on Education Research, December 4–8, 2023, Druskininkai, Lithuania
  • 14th Conference “Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems”, November 30 – December 2, 2023, Druskininkai, Lithuania
  • 16th International Conference on Informatics Education Research, ISSEP 2023, October 23–25, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • 35th International Conference on Olympiads in Informatics, August 28 – September 4, 2023, Szeged, Hungary
  • 13th International Vilnius Conference on "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics", July 3–6, 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania
  • 19th International conference - workshop "Bebras Task Development", May 14–19, 2023, Alexandria, Egypt
  • 13th Conference “Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems”, December 1–3, 2022, Druskininkai, Lithuania
  • 12th International Doctoral Consortium "Informatics Engineering Education Research", December, 2022, Druskininkai, Lithuania
  • 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2022, September 2022, Viena, Austria
  • 24th International Conference on Informatics Olympiads with 34th IOI, August 8–11, 2022, Indonesia
  • 18th International Bebras Task Workshop, May 16–21, 2022, Skopje, North Macedonia
    • 10th International Workshop "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems", November 29 – December 1, 2018, Druskininkai, Lithuania
    • International Joint Conference with IOI, September 3–5, Tsukuba, Japan
    • International Conference "Constructionism 2018", August 21–25,  Vilnius, Lithuania
    • Erasmus project meeting: Improvement of teaching techniques by eye tracking in technology enhanced classrooms, July 2018, Vilnius
    • 13th biennial International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems (Baltic DB&IS 2018), July 1–4, 2018, Trakai, Lithuania
    • Workshop: STEM PD Net and IncluSMe, June 25–27, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania
    • 9th National Conference of Young Researchers “Operations Research and Applications", May 11, 2018, Kaunas, Lithuania
    • International Workshop on Informatics and Computational Thinking (Bebras), May 7–11, 2018,  Protaras, Cyprus
    • 9th International Workshop "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems", November 30 – December 2, 2017, Druskininkai, Lithuania
    • 8th International Doctoral Consortium "Informatics Engineering Education Research", November 29 – December 3, 2017, Druskininkai
    • The 10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP 2017), November 13 – 15, 2017, Helsinky, Finland
    • International Workshop on Improvement of Doctoral Studies, October/Novemeber 2017
    • 11th International Conference on Informatics Education joint with International Olympiad in Informatics, July 28 – August 4, 2017, Teheran, Iran


      • 5th International Seminar "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems", December 5–7, 2013, Druskininkai, Lithuania
      • 4th Int. Doctoral Consortium "Informatics and Informatics Engineering Education Research: Methodologies, Methods and Practice", December 1–5, 2013, Druskininkai, Lithuania
      • IX International Creative Seminar on Informatics Contest "Bebras", June 28–July 2, 2013, Torune, Poland
      • International Seminar "Informatics Teacher Education", June 18–23, 2013, Klaipėda, Lithuania






International Conference "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis" (MMA'99)
NSEC 6 - 1997. Sixth International Conference on Navier-Stokes Equations and Related Nonlinear Problems
      • International Workshop on Earth Fields and Their Influence on Organisms
      • The Baltic Workshop on "National Infrastructure Data Bases: Problems, Methods, Experience" (BalticDB'04), Trakai, Lithuania
6th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
IMACS Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Applied Mathematics [150 participants]
5th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
      • 6th All-Union Symposium on Real Time Microprocessors Systems and Logical Networks
      • All-Union Workshop on Theory of Random Processes
IFAC Symposium on Stochastic Control [160 participants]
4th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
All Union Symposium on Modern Problems of Mathematical Economics
All-Union Workshop on Theory of Random Processes
3rd International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
All-Union Symposium on "Methods of Mathematical Logic in the Problems of Artificial Intelligence and System Programming"
All-Union Workshop on Numerical Methods of Mathematical Physics Problems
IFIP Symposium on Stochastic Differential Equations [103 participants]
2nd International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
1st International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
Second All-Union Conference on Theory of Games, Vilnius, Lithuania
All-Union Workshop on Operations Research
Project title
Realization time
ENVIRO-DEV: A European consortium to determine how complex, real-world environments influence brain development (COST Association COST Action CA22111) 2023-2027 dr. J. Bernatavičienė
eduBESTEducation Systems Benchmarking with Frontier Techniques 2023-2025 prof. dr. A. Jakaitienė
Resolve 15qResolving complex outcomes in 15q13.3 copy number variants using emerging diagnostic and biomarker tools 2023-2026 prof. dr. A. Jakaitienė
UniDive: Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology (COST Association COST Action CA21167) 2022-2026 dr. G. Korvel
EUGAIN: European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics (COST Association COST Action CA19122) 2020-2024 Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė, dr. A. Juškevičienė
H2020 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC, Grant agreement ID: 951732 2020-2022 Dr. P. Treigys
Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation (COST Association COST Action CA18231) 2019-2023 Dr. G. Korvel
Fractional-order systems - analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design (COST Association COST Action CA15225
OpenMultiMed: Open Multiscale Systems Medicine (COST Association COST Action CA15120) 
NEUBIAS: A new Network of European BioImage Analysts to advance life science imaging (COST Association COST Action CA15124) 
IncluSMe: Intercultural Learning in Mathematics and Science: Initial Teacher Education, 2016-1-DE01-KA203-002910
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
ImAppNIO: Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice: Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice (COST Association COST Action CA15140) 
NordNICE: Nordplus Network of Innovative Computing Education (No. NPHZ 2015/1053)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (COST IC1406)
NESUS: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (COST IC1305)
BIG-SKY-EARTH: Big Data Era in Sky and Earth Observation (COST TD1403)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks (COST TD1207)
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
MaSciL: Mathematics and Science for Life!, EU 7th Framework Programme project , No. FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
IGUANA: Improving School Governance using an Action Learning approach, EC `Lifelong learning program´ project , No. 527856-LLP1-2012-1-PT-COMENIUS-CMP
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Le-MATH: Learning Mathematics through new Communication Factors ,
No. 526315-LLP-2012-CY-COMENIUS-CMP :
Theatre Play writing competition on the theme of Mathematics pp. 42-47
Prof. Dr. Habil. R. Pupeikis
PEN: Production Effectiveness Navigator, EuroStars project E!6232 , No. 31V-20/LSS-580000-360 , 31V-27/LSS-580000-407
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
Support for publication of the international journal ‘Olympiads in Informatics’. No. ParS-580000-822, ParS-580000-730
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Strengthening Computer Science Teacher Training and Networking (Informatiklehrerbildung stärken und vernetzen),
Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor , No. 2013/7/LSS-580000-1049
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Open European Network for High Performance Computing on Complex Environments (COST IC0805) , No. COST-04/2010/LSS-580000-1814

Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
NNEER: Nordic Network for Engineering Education Research

Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
SoftStat: Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions (COST IC0702) , No. COST-05/2010/LSS-580000-1815

Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
: Learning community for Web 2.0 teaching , No. 504333-LLP-1-2009-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP (2009-11-01 – 2011-12-31)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
ADHER: Adopt your HERitage, EU Lifelong Learning program, Grundtvig Learning Partnership Project , No. LLP-GRU-MP-2009-LT-00008, (2009-08-07 – 2011-07)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Kligienė
TRICE: Teaching, Research and Innovation in Computing Education , No. 142399-LLP-1-2008-1-BG-ERASMUS-ENW, No. 2008-3258/001-001
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas, Dr. A. Jakaitienė
Lifelong learning programme ERASMUS (No. 234527-IC-1-2007-1-LT-ERASMUS-EUC-1, ID code: LT VILNIUS17)
Project 'Gilibert' of the Bilateral Lithuanian-France research program 'Application of data mining methods for investigation of software systems' (V-33/2010). Dr. J. D. Besson (leader),
Prof. Dr. A. Čaplinskas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Lupeikienė,
(2009 04 07 – 2010 12 31)
Dr. J. D. Besson, Software Engineering Department
Algorithmic decision theory (COST IC0602) , No. COST-03/2010/LSS-580000-1813 (2010-11-18 – 2010-12-31)
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
EduJudge: Integration of the internet testing system into efficient e-learning , No. 135221-LLP-1-2007-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP, 2007-3906/001-001 (2008-01-01 - 2009-12-31)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
ENRICH: European Networking Resources and Information concerning Cultural Heritage ECP 2006 DILI 510049 , No. ECP-2006-DILI-510049, (2007-11-30 – 2009-11)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
N. Kligienė
e-START: Digital Literacy Network for Primary & Lower Secondary (K-9) Education , , No. EAC EA/01/06, 2006-4530/001-001 ELEELEB11 (2006-12-01 – 2009-05-31)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
ENOC: Electric Neuronal Oscillations and Cognition (Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences COST Action B27)
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Baltic Rural Broadband project, INTERREG III B Baltic Sea Region Programme (BSR) ,
P. Šulcas
ILGRECO: Implementing Learning Game Resources based on Educational Content , No. 230039-CP-1-LT-GRUNDTVIG- G11PP
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
N. Kligienė
Creating E-Learning Courses - Hands-on Tools & Practical Tips,
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
N. Kligienė
Global optimisation combining deterministic and stochastic approaches to chemical engineering, NATO Reintegration Grant,
No. CBP.EAP.RIG.981300
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
Professional teaching and labour force resources in Kaliningrad,
Tacis Project: No. Europe Aid/121849/C/SV/RU No. 88.08
Probability Theory and Statistics Department
Project title
Realization time
Analysis of the efficiency and effectiveness of EU education systems using large-scale secondary data (EFECTAS) 2018-2022 Prof. Dr. A. Jakaitienė
LIEPA – Services controlled by the Lithuanian Speech http://www.raš ,
No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K-01-001
Prof. Dr. Habil. L. Telksnys
Theoretical and Engineering Aspects of E-Service Technology Development and Application in High-Performance Computing Platforms ,
No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-010
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
Development of Internet portal of Integrated Lithuanian language and writing resources, products and services http://www.raš , No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K-01-003/ LSS-580000-2197
Localisation of topical for the society software and development of needed software means http://www.raš , No. VP2-3.I-IVPK-12-K-01-004/ LSS-180000-642
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
E-Mentorius – Creation of a specialized solution designated for providing personalized pedagogical e-advice by applying adaptive semantics models of consecutively connected processes and personalized methods of semantic search. Agreement with LBSA (Intellect LT), Beneficiary: the JSC "Algoritmų Sistemos", No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K-02-117
Science for business and society , Contract with LBSA (Inogeb LT-1),
No. VP2-1.4-ŪM-03-K-01-019, (2009-11-02 - 2011-10-31)
Researcher V. Dagys,
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Kligienė
Education of capabilities of Lithuanian scientists in the process of Lithuania`s integration into the EU scientific infrastructure, No. BPD2004-ESF-2.5.0-03-05/0038
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Kligienė
InMaDra – Development of doctoral studies in informatics and mathematics , No. BPD2004-ESF-2.5.0-03-05/0027
Prof. Dr. S. Rutkauskas
`Science. Scientists. Society´
No. BPD2004-ESF-2.5.0-03-05/0040 , ESF/2004/2.5.0-03-291:
- `Multimedia activity´ ,
- `Digest of Lithuanian computer programs´ ,
- `Terminology of ICT´ ,
- `Electronic mail - write messages in Lithuanian´
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė,
Researcher V. Dagys

Development of the infrastructure of scientific research and doctoral studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, No. BPD2004-ERPF-1.5.0-12-05/0019

RAIN – Rural Area Information Technology Broadband Network ,
No. BPD2004-ERPF-3.3.0-03-04-005, S-224
Prof. Dr. Habil. L. Telksnys
RAIN2 – Preparation of the project Rural Area Information Technology Broadband Network: approach to the last milestone ,
No. BPD2004-ERPF-3.3.0-01-04-033
Prof. Dr. Habil. L. Telksnys
Preparation of documents for the project `Software localization´,
No. BPD2004-ERPF-3.3.0-01-04/0032
D. Vaišnienė
Project title
Realization time
Data filling to the Term bank of the Republic of Lithuania. Public purchase contract with the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language No. VP-17/2014/APS-580000-2637 (2014-11-03 – 2015-06-30)
Innovation voucher No. 43V-408 (Personal Enterprise "Odontika", Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA)): An investigation of genetic risk factors assertion methods, No. APS-14100-2779 (2014-11-24 – 2015-04-20)
Innovation voucher No. 43V-347 (JSC "Barzda", MITA): Technical specification of the model for new book demand prediction for short time, No. MTS-580000-2707
Innovation voucher No. 31V-311 (JSC "Algoritmų sistemos", MITA): Development of Data Mining Methods for Similarity Estimation of Streaming Data, No. APS-580000-63 (2013-01-15 – 2013-04-25)
Innovation voucher (JSC "Informaciniai projektai", MITA):
Feasibility study "Robotics in Education"
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Innovation voucher (JSC "Barzda", MITA): Technical specification of the recommendation system technique development service for the bookshop , No. 41.25-24/APS-580000-1678
Innovation voucher (JSC "ECDLTE", MITA): Statistical analysis of data of computer literacy testing system and recommendations, No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-05-K-02-187
Innovation voucher No. 43V-25 (JSC "Inerta LT", MITA): Transport Optimisation Software Development, No. APS-580000-1961 , VP2-1.3-ŪM-05-K-02-121
Mathematical model of data analysis for client behaviour and data validity evaluation. MITA innovation voucher No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-05K-02-154, Agreement with JSC "Sistemų integracijos sprendimai" No. APS-110000-1795 ( 2013-08-27 – 2013-10-30)
Dr. P. Šarka
Innovation voucher (JSC "Inogama", MITA): Modelling of the Isolated Word and Phrase Recognizer, No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-05-K
Expert activity in the Information and Communication Technologies Advisory Group for the 7th Framework Programme, “Cooperation” Specific Programme, No. 28V-14/LSS-580000-433
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
Expert activity in the Information and Communication Technologies Advisory Group for the 7th Framework Programme, “Cooperation” Specific Programme, No. 28V-14/LSS-580000-434
Development of the application software for content management system – Electronic Term Dictionary, Agreement with the Bank of Lithuania No. 41.25-24/APS-580000-1678
Lithuanian Research and Education Network (LITNET) project, 2013
Data filling (transfer) to the Term bank of the Republic of Lithuania. Public purchase contract with the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language No. VP-9/2012/APS-580000-2994
PROMOS: Creation of visualization methods and software for modelling activity processes, R&D project of the High Technology Development Programme in 2011-2013, project coordinator JSC "Orgsoft", No. 31V-145 [2011-2012], No. 31V-31 [2013]
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Innovation voucher No. 31V-109 (JSC "Algoritmų sistemos", MITA): Analysis of optimization strategies, implementation possibilities and methods of Artificial Neural Networks for complex decisions
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Lithuanian Research and Education Network (LITNET) project, 2012
Services of localisation of computer-aided teaching means. Agreement with Education Development Centre No. F5-155 (9.28)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Development of the Term bank of the Republic of Lithuania. Public purchase contract with the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language [according to State language normalisation, usage, cultivation and spreading programme 2006-2015] No. VP-1/2011/APS-580000-182
Development or adaptation of existing multi-criteria optimisation algorithm [for DISPATCH: Ortho-Baltic web logistics system]. Agreement with JSC "Baltic Amadeus" No. 5082299-P1/APS-580000-1037
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
Innovation voucher (with Vilniaus kolegija /University of Applied Sciences): Comparative quantitative and qualitative research "Estimation of demand of engineering studies specialists in Lithuania, Estonia and Poland", No. APS-580000-1852/Ū7-1
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Innovation voucher No. 31V-137 (with JSC "Bemetas"): Evaluation of dependency of power generated by photovoltaic power-station on solar illumination, No. 31V-137 IJČG-580000-1614
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
Development of the prototype for interaction between the network of sensors and local component of information collecting, transferring and representation. Agreement with JSC "Diagnostinės sistemos" No. 12-17.01/2010
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
Development of an efficient system for constant monitoring of critical physiological parameters, "Intelektas LT" project with JSC "Algoritmų sistemos" No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K-01-098, BS-580000-2123
Prof. Dr. Habil. G. Dzemyda
‘Erasmus mobility’ (EU higher education programme financed by the state budget), No. LLP-ERA-NAC-2010-LT-0518
Innovation voucher No. 31V-79 (JSC "AKTKC - Apsaugos centras", MITA): Algorithm for optimizing the route between N points & Algorithm for fixing deviations and mathematical averaging of fuel level data from transport means (fuel filling / pouring off),
(2010-07-28 – 2010-10-27)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Development of the Lithuanian science and studies computer network LITNET in 2010. Agreement with the Ministry of Science and Education No. S-2109 (2010-04-22 – 2010-12-28)
Investigation of algorithms for extraction of critical physiological parameters from sensor signals and and their representation, Agreement with JSC "Algoritmų sistemos" No. AS10-012 (2010-07-23 – 2010-10-20)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Investigation of cost efficient algorithms in the text adjustment problems. Agreement with Joint Lithuanian-Netherlands company JSC "VTeX" No. SI19 (2010-02-02 – 2010-09-10)
Probability Theory and Statistics Department
Representing of critical physiological parameters data, and development of a decision making algorithm and decision making subsystem prototype [sub-project of "Creation of an efficient system for constant observation of critical physiological parameters", SFMIS No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K-01-098]. No. AS10-19/5081809/112 (2010-12-08 – 2010-12-31)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
O. Kurasova
Investigation of the algorithms for extraction and graphical presentation of critical physiological parameters from sensor signals. Contract with JSC "Algoritmų sistemos" No. AS10-03 (2010-01-01 – 2010-03-30)
Prof. Dr. Habil. L. Telksnys
Agreement on scientific internship of students, 2010-06-15
Stochastic Processes Dep.
E-business complex system development and implementation services. Agreement with JSC "Baltic Amadeus"
System Analysis Department
Expert evaluation of conformity of Universal airline ticket distribution system OLYMPUS to the definition of R&D activities. Agreement with JSC "Interneto partneris"
Dr. S. Maskeliūnas,
Prof. Dr. A. Čaplinskas
Investigation of architectures, behaviour and realisation possibilities of on-line trade services software. Tripartite agreement with JSC "Fresh ID" and MITA for acquiring the innovation voucher No. 31V-80 (2010-07-28)
Prof. Dr. A. Čaplinskas
Search and training of schoolchildren who are talented in Informatics and Information Technologies. Agreement with Lithuanian youth information and technical creativity centre
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Large sample statistical inferences for long memory processes, Registration No. A-09099, April 15, 2009
Prof. Dr. Habil. D. Surgailis
Development and revision of the Term bank data of the Republic of Lithuania. Public purchase contract No. VP-6/2008 (2009-01-01 - 2010-12-31)
LieTa - JONAS BASANAVIČIUS Digital library of Lithuanian folklore, (PMK-04/2010 2010 04 28) according to the Agreement with the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore No. F1-224, F1-311, (2008.07.09-2010.12.31)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Kligienė, Dr. G. Tamulevičius
Re-engineering and improvement of the data base system "Dynamics of the Lithuanian science potential", agreement with the Ministry of Science and Education No. 138
Analysis of enriched search algorithms meant for recognition and handling of published scientific information. Agreement No. SI09 with Joint Lithuanian-Netherlands company JSC “VTEX”, (2009-02-12 – 2009-12-31)
Probability Theory and Statistics Dept.
Programme 'Parallel and distributed computing and e-infrastructure network (LitGrid)' supported by Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science, No. 4/238 (2008-06-01 – 2009-12-15)
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
Electrical neuronal oscillation and cognition. No. 31V-67 (COST)
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Development program of the Lithuanian science and studies computer network LITNET, 2005-2009, (LITNET-2 program). Agreements with the Ministry of Science and Education
No. SUT-311 (2008-01-02 – 2008-12-27),
No. SUT-161 (2009-05-07 – 2009-12-31)
Computer Network Laboratory
Presentation of the virtual Lithuanian university at the Infobalt’ exhibition. Agreement SUT-1090 (2008-10-24 – 2008-12-01)
Project for developing and application of Lithuanian economics mathematical-statistical models (LEMASTA). No.C-089013, No. C-06/2008(7). (2008.07-2008.12)
Prof. Dr. Habil. R. Rudzkis
SI08 A further investigation of the extended search algorithm in various bibliographical bases, (2007 02 18 - 2008 11 30)
Prof. Dr. Habil. R. Rudzkis
Studies of linguistic approbation and correspondence of software to the standards. No. 6F-07/21, (until 2008-10-15)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Service of standardization of terms and lexical units used in Lithuanian language information technologies. No. 6F-10/08/1, (until 2008-11-27)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Research of the influence of the project `The teacher training program on ICT implementation in vocational teaching´ on the change of in vocational education. No. P5-128
(until 2008-12-15)
Scientific research of perspective trends of further ICT implementation in education. No. P5-129 (until 2008-12-15)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Scientific research `Analysis of the available computer teaching tools´. No. P5-192, (until 2008-12-01)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Scientific research `Pedagogue training from the aspect of ICT application´. No. P5-193, (until 2008-12-01)
Development of the integrated database system `Scientific activity of Lithuanian science and studies institutions´.
No. SUT-793 (2008-07-18 - 2008-12-10)
Development of the database system `Expert evaluation of research results using the internet´. No. SUT-794 (2008-07-18 - 2008-12-10)
Reengineering of the database system `Dynamics of the Lithuanian science potential´. No. SUT-795 (2008-07-18 - 2008-12-10)
Component engineering of enterprise information systems (IOIS). No. S-09/2008
Scientific research `Analysis of ICT implementation experience in various countries´. No. P5-191, (until 2008-10-31)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė,
Dr. E. Kurilovas
Programme of a virtual Lithuanian university in 2007-2012.
(until 2008-12-01)
Recognition Processes Department
To update and develop the website which renders a possibility for the society to acquire learning services of correct use of the Lithuanian language
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Updating of the LT Term bank with electronic term collections and/or data of term dictionaries, provided by the Linguistic committee. No. VP-4/2005, (2008-01-02 - 2008-12-31)
`Investigation of the extended search algorithm´ No. SI07, SI08, (2007-02-18 - 2008-11-30)
Prof. Dr. Habil. R. Rudzkis
Network of parallel and distributed computing and e-services (LitGrid). No. 4/1190-(1817)
Visualization of multidimensional data in the interactive global optimization. No. T-18/07 (COST)
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Integration of heterogeneous components in advanced information systems. No. T-96/07
Development of the database system `Expert evaluation of scientific research results using the internet´. No. SUT-462
Development of the enterprise database system `Scientific activity of Lithuanian science and studies institutions´, No. SUT-462
Development maintenance and of the database `Lithuanian scientists in 2007´, No. SUT-463
Calculus of rough functions and its application in financial mathematics and econometrics, No. T-21/07
Dr. Habil. R. Norvaiša
`Research of statistical estimate approximations´, No. T-15/07
Probability Theory and Statistics Department, Stochastic Processes Department
Creation of the distance teaching course. The English language for primary education´, No. TPS-09.25/1
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Creation of the distance learning course `World cognition for primary education´, No. SUT-10.15/2
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Creation of the teaching course `Mathematics for grades
2-4´, No. SUT-10.15/4
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Creation of the teaching course `Mathematics for vocational education´, No. SUT-10.15/7
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Creation of the teaching course `World cognition for vocational education´, No. SUT-10.15/8
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
The distance teaching course `Standard of pedagogue computer literacy: educational part´, No. PTS-03.07/1
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Localization of learning objects for primary and vocational education. No. PTS-06.19/1
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Scientific research `Realization of 2005-2007 strategy measures for information and communications technology (ICT) implementation in Lithuanian education´. No. P5-69
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Estimation of finite population parameters in the presence of auxiliary information. No. T-24/07
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
A. Plikusas
Development of the enterprise database system `Scientific activity of Lithuanian science and studies institutions´.
No. SUT-489
Reengineering of the database `Lithuanian scientists `.
No. SUT-555
CPVA Amplification of operating abilities in the fields of information and communications technology and development of an information society. No. 05-B
Research of statistical estimate approximations
Dr. Habil. V. Bentkus,
Prof. Dr. Habil. D. Surgailis
Scientific research `Electronic education content and services for primary and vocational education in Lithuania and abroad (analysis of the situation and development prospects)´
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Localization of the software `Imagine Logo´ computer learning tools. No.P5-137
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Localization services of `Moodle´ (virtual learning environment).
No. P5-87
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Localization of virtual courses and the learning system and creation of the education module. No. 200603221
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Lithuanianization of the dialogue between Internet and e-mail. No. K-32/00 (23)
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Project LDK-skaitmena `Digitization of the Great Dutchy of Lithuania (GDL) manuscript documents under the globalization conditions. Theory, methodology and practice´.
No. C-51/2006 SKAIT
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Mathematical models of Lithuanian economics for predicting macroeconomic processes
Probability Theory and Statistics Department
On the accuracy of approximations of statistical estimates.
No. T-10/06
Dr. Habil. V. Bentkus
Programme ITMIS `Information technology for science and studies in 2001-2006´
Recognition Processes Department
`Methods and algorithms for optimization and control of technological processes´
Optimisation sector of Systems Analysis Dept.
Investigation of the central nervous system and heart rate parameter dependence. V-06/2006
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Programme 'Lithuanian Grid - Network for parallel and distributed computing' initiated by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. P-26/06(4)
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Human genome diversity determined pathogenetic mechanisms of atherosclerosis (ATHEROGEN). No. U-04002, No. P-24/2006-1
Systems Analysis Dept.
Primary data base of keywords and their neighbourhood
Probability Theory and Statistics Department
Project `Expressions of Lithuanian spiritual culture: electronic summary of ethnology, language and history resources´.
No. C-14/2006 FI-115
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Information technologies for human health - support of clinical decisions (e-health). Acronym `IT Health´. No.C-03013
Systems Analysis Dept.
Computer-aided modelling of heterogeneous processes and system operation mechanisms - MODELITA
Prof. Dr. Habil.
M. Sapagovas
Programme of the Lithuanian language in an information society in 2000-2006. (Work of machine Lithuanian speech recognition).
No. K-32/2000
Prof. Dr. A. Lipeika

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