International research projects
Project period | Programme | Project title | Project Manager(s) |
2023-2027 | COST | ROAR-NET: Randomised Optimisation Algorithms Research Network | dr. A. Lančinskas |
2023-2027 | COST | ENVIRO-DEV: A European consortium to determine how complex, real-world environments influence brain development | dr. J. Bernatavičienė |
2023-2025 | European Digital Innovation Hubs (DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01) |
EDIH VILNIUS: Accelerating green and digital transformation in Vilnius region | Prof. dr. R. Paulavičius |
2023-2025 | Portugal R&D | eduBEST: Education Systems Benchmarking with Frontier Techniques | prof. dr. A. Jakaitienė |
2023-2026 | Rare Diseases (EJP RD) |
Resolve 15q: Resolving complex outcomes in 15q13.3 copy number variants using emerging diagnostic and biomarker tools |
prof. dr. A. Jakaitienė |
2022-2026 | COST | UniDive: Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology | dr. G. Korvel |
2020-2024 | COST | EUGAIN: European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics | prof. dr. V. Dagienė dr. A. Juškevičienė |
2020-2022 |
„Horizont 2020“ |
H2020 National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC | prof. dr. P. Treigys |
2019-2023 | COST | Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation | dr. G. Korvel |
2018-2023 | COST |
Microbiome: Statistical and machine learning techniques in human microbiome studies |
prof. dr. V. Marcinkevičius |
2019-2021 | Andalusian Board Supported Research Projects | High Throughput Computing for Optimisation of Intensive Modular Radiotherapy Schedules | dr. E. Filatovas (representing the Lithuanian side) |
2017-2020 | NATO STO IST-141 | IST-141-RTG on Exploratory Visual Analytics | dr. V. Marcinkevičius |
2016-2020 | COST | FractionalSystems: Fractional-order systems - analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design | doc. dr. G. Tamulevičius, dr. G. Korvel |
2016-2020 | COST | OpenMultiMed: Open Multiscale Systems Medicine | dr. J. Bernatavičienė,
doc. dr. P. Treigys |
2016-2020 | COST | NEUBIAS: A new Network of European BioImage Analysts to advance life science imaging | doc. dr. P. Treigys, dr. J. Bernatavičienė |
2016-2020 | COST | ImAppNIO: Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice |
dr. A. Lančinskas, |
2015-2019 | COST | cHiPSet: High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications | dr. V. Medvedev, prof. dr. O. Kurasova |
2014-2018 | COST | NESUS: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing | dr. A. Lančinskas |
2014-2018 | COST | BIG-SKY-EARTH: Big Data Era in Sky and Earth Observation | doc. dr. O. Kurasova, dr. V. Medvedev |
2013-2017 | COST | Mathematical Optimization in the Decision Support Systems for Efficient and Robust Energy Networks | prof. dr. J. Žilinskas |
2013-2016 | 7BP | MaSciL: Mathematics and Science for Life! | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2011-2014 | EUROSTARS | PEN: Production Effectiveness Navigator | prof. habil. dr. G. Dzemyda |
2009-2013 | COST | Open European Network for High Performance Computing on Complex Environments | prof. dr. J. Žilinskas |
2009-2012 | COST | Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions | doc. dr. O. Kurasova |
2009-2010 | COST | Algorithmic Decision Theory | prof. habil. dr. A. Žilinskas |
2005-2009 | COST | ENOC: Electric Neuronal Oscillations and Cognition | prof. habil. dr. A. Žilinskas |
2004-2007 | NATO | Global optimisation combining deterministic and stochastic approaches for chemical engineering | prof. dr. J. Žilinskas |
International educational programmes, projects
Project period | Programme | Project title | Project Manager(s) |
2021-2024 | Erasmus+ KA220-HED | FITPED-AI: Future IT Professionals Education in Artificial Intelligence | dr. V. Dolgopolovas |
2016-2020 | Erasmus+ CBHE | DocHub: Structuring cooperation in doctoral research, transferrable skills training, and academic writing instruction in Ukraine's regions | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2016-2019 | Erasmus+ KA2 |
IncluSMe: Intercultural learning in Mathematics and Science initial teacher education | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2015-2017 | Nordplus | NordNICE: Nordplus Network of Innovative Computing Education | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2013-2014 | COMENIUS | IGUANA: Improving School Governance using an Action Learning Approach | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2013-2014 | COMENIUS | Logic of the stolen iPod. Theatre Play writing competition on the theme of Mathematics. Le-Math: Learning Mathematics through new Communication Factors | doc. dr. R. Pupeikis |
2013 | Strengthening Computer Science Teacher Training and Networking / Informatiklehrerbildung stärken und vernetzen | prof. dr. V. Dagienė | |
2009-2012 | NNEER: Nordic Network for Engineering Education Research | prof. dr. V. Dagienė | |
2009-2011 | COMENIUS | : Learning community for Web 2.0 teaching | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2009-2011 | Grundtvig | ADHER: Adopt Your Heritage | L. Mikalauskienė, doc. dr. N. Kligienė |
2008-2011 | ERASMUS | TRICE: Teaching, Research and Innovation in Computing Education | prof. habil. dr. A. Žilinskas, dr. A. Jakaitienė |
2007-2011 | ERASMUS | Lifelong Learning ERASMUS mobility programme | dr. S. Maskeliūnas |
2008-2010 | EK Lifelong learning | EduJudge: Integrando el Juez On-line en e-learning efectivo | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2007-2009 | EK Lifelong learning | ENRICH: European Networking Resources and Information concerning Cultural Heritage | doc. dr. N. Kligienė |
2006-2009 | eLearning | e-START: Digital Literacy Network for Primary & Lower Secondary (K-9) Education | prof. dr. V. Dagienė |
2006-2008 | Grundtvig | ILGRECO: Implementing Learning Game Resources based on Educational Content | doc. dr. N. Kligienė |
2007 | Educational exchange | Creating E-Learning Courses - Hands-on Tools & Practical Tips | doc. dr. N. Kligienė |
2006 | Vocational training and labour resources in Kaliningrad | TTSS |
Other international projects
Project period | Programme | Project title | Project Manager(s) |
2011-2014 | Support for publication of the international journal ‘Olympiads in Informatics’ | prof. dr. V. Dagienė | |
2009-2010 | Gilibert | Application of data mining methods for investigation of software systems | dr. J. Besson |
2007-2008 | INTERREG III B | BalticBroadband: Baltic Rural Broadband Project | P. Šulcas |