Application are accepted from 2024 May 2 to June 1 (until 23:59 val.)
Vilnius University General Admission Procedure
The Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at Vilnius University offers doctoral studies in two fields of Natural Science and one field of Technological Science. Applicants may choose the topics offered in the following fields:
Applicants must have a Master's qualification degree or a higher education degree equivalent to it (Admission Rules for 2024 entry to Doctoral Studies at Vilnius University).
The application with all required enclosures must be registered in the system at and sent by e-mail .
PhD studies start on 1 October.
The persons are considered admitted when they sign a study agreement with the University and are accepted to study by the order of the Rector.
Concluding of agreements with applicants invited to doctoral studies through the bank authentication: July 10 – 12 (until 15:00)
Direct concluding of agreements with applicants (for persons unable to identify themselves through a bank): July 10 – 12
Consultations are provided by the Office of Doctoral and Postdoctoral Studies on working days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. by phone +370 5 2687 095, +370 5 2687 093 or e-mail