Akademijos st. 4, room 623
Vilnius, Lithuania
Head of the Group
dr. Povilas Treigys
Lab on social networks:
Image and Signal Analysis Group
Research fields
Speech and language processing:
- Speech signal modelling: autoregressive/linear prediction, fractal-based nonlinear modelling, source-filter models.
- Speech recognition: segment-based speech recognition.
- Speech emotion recognition: hierarchical classification of speech emotions, speech emotion features, feature selection.
- Estimation of speech quality: acoustic analysis for quality estimation; estimation of vocal fold functionality; estimation of phonation level;
- Signal model parameter assessment;
- Development of sound mathematical models.
Image and video signal processing:
- Object recognition and segmentation using deep neural networks
- Image reconstruction by deep generative networks
- Analysis of ocular fundus optic disc, other lesions
- Analysis of images of colonic pathology to describe tumor cell subpopulations in whole-slide images
- Detection of prostate changes in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging
- Processing of full-frame histological images by machine learning methods.
Analysis of big data and development of deep learning algorithms:
- Analysis and recognition of clonal structures in genetic data.
- Analysis of traffic (marine) data to identify traffic anomalies in LSTM and transformer deep neural networks
- Development of deep teaching/learning methods for solving classification and forecasting problems.
Science and Education
Phd Students
Name, Surname | Supervisor | Field of study |
Theme | Time of study |
Monika Danilovaitė | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius | N 009 | Voice Quality Assessment Methodology for the Detection of Vocal Folds Disorders |
2020-2026 |
Sobia Dastgeer | Prof. Dr. Povilas Treigys | N 009 | Enhancing Breast Cancer Recognition using Vision Transformer and Explainable AI |
2024-2028 |
Kasparas Karlauskas | Prof. Dr. Povilas Treigys | T 007 | Three-dimensional point cloud analysis and object recognition |
2023-2027 |
Justina Ramonaitė | Dr. Gražina Korvel | N 009 | Deep learning-based speech signal enhancement | 2023-2027 |
Roman Surkant | Dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė | N 009 | Development of Machine Learning and Functional Data Analysis Methods for Prostate Multiparametric MRI Analysis |
2022-2026 |
Aleksas Vaitulevičius | Prof. Dr. Povilas Treigys | N 009 | Research and Modeling of Digital Signals for the Detection of Cancerous Areas of Tissue in Different MRI Modalities |
2021-2025 |
Daniel Zakševski | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius | T 007 | Deep learning models for speech enhancement | 2023-2027 |
Defended PhD thesis:
- "Hierarchical Classification of Speech Emotions", supervisor Gintautas Tamulevičius PhD, 2017.
- "Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods for Sea Traffic Anomaly Detection" supervisor Povilas Treigys PhD, 2021
- "Development of tumor microenvironment-oriented digital pathology methods for whole slide image segmentation and classification" supervisor Povilas Treigys PhD, 2021
Defended MSc thesis:
- "Speech Analysis-based Assessment of Vocal Folds State", 2020. Supervisor: dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius.
- "Neural network based segmentation and classification of cell nuclei in whole slide histology images", 2020. Supervisor: dr. Povilas Treigys
- "Fractal Modeling of Speech Signals", 2021. Supervisor: dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius.
- "Outlier Detection in Multidimensional Streaming Data", 2021. Supervisor: dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė.
- "Autoencoder-based Modelling of Speech Signals", 2021. Supervisor: dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius.
- Šnekos signalų modeliavimas autoenkoderio tipo neuroniniais tinklais, 2021. Supervisor: dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius.
- Investigation of Eye Fundus Image Quality on Vascular Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks. 2022. Supervisor: dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė.
- Evaluation Of Dynamic Contrast in Prostate MRI for Cancerous Tissue Identification. 2022.Supervisor:dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė.
- Forecast of Energy Produced by Solar Power Plants. 2022. Supervisor: dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė.
- Lithuanian state-funded project "Information Technologies for human Wellbeing - Clinical Decision support (E-Health)" 2003-2009.
- Lithuanian state-funded project "Support of Clinical Decision Systems for e. Health System" 2007-2009.
- Lithuanian state Science Foundation project "Development of Specialized data Analysis Methods for Heart Thermal Anisotropy Investigation" 2008.
- Research service "Creation of a Model for the Recognition of Individual Lithuanian Words and Phrases" 2012-2013.
- Researchers group project "Development and Inspection of the Prototype for the People with Disabilities Managed by Lithuanian Speech" 2012-2014.
- EU Structural funds project "Lithuanian Speech Guided Services" 2013-2015 m.
- Eurostars project "Production Effectiveness Navigator" 2011-2013.
- Projects of EU Structural Funds LIEPA (Services Controlled by Lithuanian Voice), 2013-2015
- Erasmus+ programme project "Partnerships to Ensure Risk Management in Practice" 2015-2016 m.
- Projects of EU Structural Funds LIEPA2, 2017.12-2020.12
- Postdoctoral Project “Analysis and Modeling of Promises Using the Joint Additive Synthesis and Source-Filter Model Method”, 2018-12-2019.12
- COST Action CA15124 „A new Network of European BioImage Analysts to advance life science imaging (NEUBIAS)“. 2016-2020 m
- COST Action CA15225 "Fractional-order systems - analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design", 2016-2020
- COST Action CA18231 "Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation", 2019-2023.
- National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC, H2020, Project duration 2020-9-1 – 2022-8-31, Project Reference: 951732,
- Postdoctoral Project “Investigating speech in the presence of noise interferences employing signal processing and machine learning methods”, 2021-07-2023.07
The group was founded in 2017 by reorganizing the structure of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University.
Staff and PhD students
Employees |
Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 623, Vilnius Links in social networks: |
Dr. Jolita Bernatavičienė Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group
Prof. Habil. Dr. Kazys Kazlauskas Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 214, Vilnius |
Dr. Gražina Korvel Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 627, Vilnius |
Tautvydas Naudžiūnas Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Gediminas Navickas Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 616, Vilnius |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 207, Vilnius |
Steponas Tolomanovas Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 618, Vilnius |
Phd students |
Monika Danilovaitė Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Sobia Dastgeer Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Kasparas Karlauskas Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 608A, Vilnius |
Justina Ramonaitė Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Roman Surkant Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Aleksas Vaitulevičius Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |
Daniel Zakševski Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius |