Dr. Gražina Korvel
Department: Image and Signal Analysis Group
Position: Senior Researcher, Project Principal Researcher, Project Manager
Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 627, Vilnius
Tel: (+370 5) 210 9315
Scientific and Pedagogical Background
Ph.D. 2013 Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering (07T) Vilnius University, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
Research Advisor: Prof. Dr. Vytautas Slivinskas, Academic Consultant: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Virginija Šimonytė
Thesis Title: “Analysis and synthesis of Lithuanian phoneme dynamic sound models”
M.Sc. 2009 Informatics (with honours) Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius
B.Sc. 2007 Mathematic Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius
Scientific activities
Signal model parameter estimation
Developing of sound mathematical models
Speech signal processing
Membership in scientific organizations:
Member of the Young Academy of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Member of Lithuanian Computer Society
Member of Lithuanian Mathematical Society
Member of IEEE Computer Society
Member of INSTICC (the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information)
Member of the SAPEA (Scientific Advice Mechanism to the European Commission) group "Successful and timely uptake of Artificial Intelligence in science in the EU". The period of work is from September 2023 to February 2024.
Leads PhD Students:
Scientific supervisor of doctoral student Justina Ramonaitė (from 2023.10.01)
Academic consultant of Krzysztof Kąkol
Dissertation defended on 12 January 2023 at Gdansk University of Technology
Topic of research „A method for improving speech intelligibility using the Lombard effect and deep learning“
Editorial Board member:
Conference organizing:
Plenary session chair at the 15th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28-30, 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania
Program committee member of International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems programos komiteto narė, ISMIS 2024, 17-19 June 2024, Poitiers / Futuroscope, France
Discussion moderator, 12th Young Scientists' Conference "Interdisciplinary Research in Physical Sciences and Technology", 14 May 2024, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
Program committee member of European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2024), September 9-13, 2024, Vilnius
Session chair at the 14th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 30 – December 2, 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania
Program committee member of International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 2022, 3-5 October 2022, Cosenza, Italy
Session "Multidimensional Signal Processing" chair, the 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia, SIGMAP 2019, 26-28 July, Prague, Czech Republic
Session „Intelligent Audio Processing“ programme committee member, the 11th International Conference on Multimedia and Network Information System, 12-14 September 2018, Wrocław, Poland (https://missi.pwr.edu.pl/2018/sessions/MISSI_IAP_2018.pdf)
Teaching experience:
From 2024, lecturer in "Natural Language and Speech Processing" (Data Science, MSc)
From 2020, lecturer in "Natural Language Processing" (Information Systems Engineering and Data Science, Bachelor's degree programs)
Since 2016, compiler and consultant of the PhD study modules "Digital Signal Processing" and "Natural Language Processing".
Reviewer of international journals:
▪ The Journal of the Audio Engineering Society www.aes.org/journal
▪ Metrology and Measurement Systems http://www.metrology.pg.gda.pl
▪ The Journal of Intelligent Information Systems https://link.springer.com/journal/10844
▪ Speech Communication www.journals.elsevier.com/speech-communication
▪ Pattern Recognition Letters www.journals.elsevier.com/speech-communicat
Scientific publications
Blaszke, Maciej; Korvel, Gražina; Kostek, Bozena. Exploring neural networks for musical instrument identification in polyphonic audio // IEEE intelligent systems. Los Alamitos : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. ISSN 1541-1672. eISSN 1941-1294. 2024, vol. 39,
iss. 5, p. 25-36. DOI: 10.1109/MIS.2024.3392586
Korvel, Gražina; Treigys, Povilas; Kąkol, Krzysztof; Kostek, Bozena. Investigation of the Lombard effect based on a machine learning approach // International journal of applied mathematics and computer science. Warsaw : Sciendo. ISSN 1641-876X. eISSN 2083-8492. 2023, vol. 33, no. 3, p. 479-492. DOI: 10.34768/amcs-2023-0035
Koszewski, Damian; Görne, Thomas; Korvel, Gražina; Kostek, Bozena. Automatic music signal mixing system based on one-dimensional Wave-U-Net autoencoders // Eurasip journal on audio speech and music processing. New York : Springer. ISSN 1687-4722. eISSN 1687-4722. 2023,
vol. 2023, no. 1, art. no. 1, p. [1-17]. DOI: 10.1186/s13636-022-00266-3
Kąkol, Krzysztof; Korvel, Gražina; Kostek, Bozena. Noise profiling for speech enhancement employing machine learning models // Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Melville: Acoustical Society of America. ISSN 0001-4966. eISSN 1520-8524. 2022, vol. 152, iss. 6, p. 3595-3605. DOI: 10.1121/10.0016495
Erdem, Erkut; Menekse, Kuyu; Semih, Yagcioglu; Frank, Anette; Parcalabescu, Letitia; Babii, Andrii; Oleksii, Turuta; Erdem, Aykut; Calixto, Iacer; Plank, Barbara; Lloret, Elena; Apostol, Elena-Simona; Truica, Ciprian-Octavian; Sandrih, Branislava; Martincic-Ipsic, Sanda; Berend, Gabor; Gatt, Albert; Korvel, Gražina. Neural natural language generation: a survey on multilinguality, multimodality, controllability and learning // Journal of artificial intelligence research: AI Access Foundation. ISSN 1076-9757. eISSN 1943-5037. 2022, vol. 73, p. 1131-1207. DOI: 10.1613/jair.1.12918
Presentations at scientific conferences
- F. Žiliajevas, J. Ramonaitė, D. Zakševski, G. Korvel, G. Tamulevičius, "Noise Dataset for Deep Learning-Based Speech Enhancement“, 15th Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28–30, 2024 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- A. Žygas, G. Korvel, "An Overview of the Machine Learning Algorithms Used for Music Source Separation“, 15th Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28–30, 2024 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G Navickas, G. Raškinis, D. Mikulėnienė, V. Kardelis, I. Makauskaitė, P. Kasparaitis, M. Beniušė, L. Vėbra, S. Tolomanovas, A. Kazlauskienė, S. Milčiuvienė, G. Korvel, "Development of a Large Lithuanian Speech Corpus for Speech Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, and Other Innovative Language Technologies“, 15th Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28–30, 2024 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- Rizgelienė, I., Korvel, G. "Comparative Analysis of Various Data Balancing Techniques for Propaganda Detection in Lithuanian News Articles". 16th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2024, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 30 – July 3, 2024
- Ramonaitė J., Korvel G., Wave-U-Net modelio pritaikymas šnekos signalo gerinimui triukšmingoje aplinkoje: Blockchain skaičiaus optimizavimo tyrimas ir jų įtaka šnekos signalo kokybei bei suprantamumui, 65-oji Lietuvos Matematikų Draugijos konferencija, 2024 m. birželio 27 – 28 d., Vilniaus universiteto Šiaulių akademija
- Petkutė, D., & Korvel, G. "Draudimo sektoriaus klientų atsiliepimų ir vertinimų nuotaikų kaitos analizė laike". Mokslinė konferencija „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“, 2024 m. gegužės 10 d., Lietuvos mokslų akademija
- Kondrataitė, E., Korvel, G. "Early Detection of Rare Diseases using Natural Language Processing". Mokslinė konferencija „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“, 2024 m. gegužės 10 d., Lietuvos mokslų akademija
- Zaranka, P., & Korvel, G. "Propagandos atpažinimas lietuviškame tekste naudojant transformeriais pagrįstus, iš anksto apmokytus daugiakalbius modelius". Mokslinė konferencija „Lietuvos magistrantų informatikos ir IT tyrimai“, 2024 m. gegužės 10 d., Lietuvos mokslų akademija
- J. Ramonaitė, P. Gore, G. Korvel, G. Tamulevičius “Investigation of Speech Signal Processing Parameters in Wave-U-Net Source Separation”, The 14th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 30 – December 2, 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- T. Piernicki, G. Korvel, B. Kostek “Acquiring Knowledge for Mimicking Dysarthric Speech by Incorporating Its Features into Synthetic Speech”, The 14th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 30 – December 2, 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Navickas, G. Korvel “UniDive – Universality, Diversity and Idiosyncrasy in Language Technology”, The 14th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 30 – December 2, 2023 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- J. Ramonaitė, G. Korvel, "Noisy Phoneme Recognition Using 2D Convolution Neural Network"; 10th Jubilee Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE), April 27-29, 2023, Vilnius
- G. Korvel, A. Katsalis, K. Diamantaras, E. Lloret „Enrich Knowledge Graphs and Test Pre-trainedEnrich Knowledge Graphs and Test Pre-trainedLanguage Models in Graph2seq Tasks“, The 13th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 1 – 3, 2022 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, G. Tamulevičius, J. Devenson „Speech Signal Enhancement for Audio Forensics: An Initial Study“, The 13th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 1 – 3, 2022 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, P. Treigys, B. Kostek „Evaluation of Measures Applied to Monitor the Lombard Speech Signal
in the Presence of Noise“, The 13th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 1 – 3, 2022 Druskininkai, Lithuania - G. Korvel, K. Kąkol, P. Treigys, B. Kostek “Investigating the influence of noise interference on speech towards a future machine learning-based system for applying the Lombard effect automatically”, ISMIS 2022 : 26th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, 3-5 October, Cosenza, Italy
- G. Korvel, K. Kąkol, P. Treigys, B. Kostek „Examining the Self-Similarity Method for the Lombard Effect Recognition", The 12th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 2 – 4, 2021 Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, K. Kąkol, B. Kostek. “Similarity matrices applied to differentiate between Lombard and natural speech”. A lecture presentation at the 181st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle, November 29 – December 3, 2021, Washington
- G. Korvel, P. Treigys, K. Kąkol, B. Kostek. "Lombardo šnekos ir jos akustinių ypatybių analizė". 20th Computer Science Scientific Conference, Computer Days – 2021, September 23-24, 2021, Klaipėda: KU, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, P. Treigys, B. Kostek. "Akustinių parametrų panašumo matricos taikymas tarpkalbiniams fonemų skirutumams išryškinti". The 62th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society, June 16–17, 2021, Vilnius: VGTU, Lithuania.
- G. Korvel, B. Kostek „Discovering rule-based learning systems for the purpose of music analysis“, 178th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, 2–6 December 2019, San Diego, California
- Tamulevičius, G. Korvel, J. Bernatavičienė, P. Treigys “The Impact of Data Augmentation Based on White Noise for Noise-Robust CNN-Based Speech Recognition” 11th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28 – 30, 2019, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- Korvel, K. Kąkol, B. Kostek “Evaluation of Lombard Speech Models in the Context of Speech Enhancement” 11th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 28 – 30, 2019, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Navickas, G. Korvel, J. Bernataviciene “Overview of speech synthesis using LSTM neural networks” Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science : Proc. of the Twelfth Intern. Conf., Minsk, Sept. 18-22, 2019. – Minsk : BSU, 2019. – P. 257-261.
- G Korvel, O Kurasova, B Kostek "An Attempt to Create Speech Synthesis Model That Retains Lombard Effect Characteristics". The 16th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications, SIGMAP 2019, 26-28 July, Prague, Czech Republic.
- G. Korvel, P. Treigys, G. Tamulevičius, J. Bernatavičienė, B. Kostek "Giliojo mokymo algoritmų taikymas lietuvių šnekos atpažinimo uždaviniuose". The 60th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society, June 19–20, 2019, Vilnius: LKA, Lithuania.
- K. Kąkol, G. Korvel, B. Kostek “Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditionse”. 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 29 – December 1, 2018, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, G. Tamulevičius, P. Treigys, J. Bernatavičienė, B. Kostek “Investigating Feature Spaces for Isolated Word Recognition”. 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, November 29 – December 1, 2018, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- M. Piotrowska, G. Korvel, A. Kurowski, B/ Kostek, A. Czyzewski "Machine Learning Applied to Aspirated and Non-Aspirated Allophone Classification–An Approach Based on Audio “Fingerprinting”", Audio Engineering Society Convention 145, October 17–20, 2018, New York, USA
- G Korvel, O Kurasova, B Kostek. „Comparative Analysis of Spectral and Cepstral Feature Extraction Techniques for Phoneme Modelling“. International Conference on Multimedia and Network Informa5on System, 12-14 September 2018, Wrocław, Poland
- M. Piotrowska, G. Korvel, B. Kostek, A. Rojczyk, A. Czyżewski "Objectivization of phonological evaluation of speech elements by means of audio parametrization", 11th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), July 4-6, 2018, Gdansk, Poland
- G. Korvel, B. Kostek "Examining feature vector for phoneme recognition", IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 18-20, 2017, Bilbao, Spain
- G. Korvel, P. Treigys, G. Tamulevičius „An Initial Investigation of Keyword Spotting using Convolutional Neural Network“, 9th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, 30 November – 2 December, 2017, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel “Parameter investigation of speech signals”, The 58th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society, June 26–27, 2017, Vilnius: VU, Lithuania.
- G. Korvel “Analysis and synthesis of Lithuanian consonants”, The 8th International Workshop Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 1–3, 2016, Druskininkai, Lithuania
- G. Korvel “Developing mathematical models for speech sounds”, The 10th International Scientific Congress of Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, 30 Juny – 2 July, 2016, Lodz, Poland
- G. Korvel, V. Šimonytė, V. Slivinskas “Mathematical modelling of Lithuanian speech consonants”, The 55th Conference of Lithuanian Mathematical Society, June 26–27, 2014, Vilnius: MRU, Lithuania
- G. Korvel, V. Šimonytė, V. Slivinskas, “Random sequences analysis in excel using NUMXL” The 15th International Conference Teaching Mathematics: Retrospective and Perspectives, May 8–10, 2014, Liepaja, Latvia
- G. Korvel, V. Šimonytė, V. Slivinskas “Using Accord.Math library for the solution of mathematical modelling tasks” ” The 15th International Conference Teaching Mathematics: Retrospective and Perspectives, May 8–10, 2014, Liepaja, Latvia
- V. Slivinskas, G. Korvel, V. Šimonytė “Problems of Lithuanian speech synthesis”, The 5th International Workshop Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, December 5–7, 2013, Druskininkai, Lithuania.
Scientific and other projects
The project of the Research Council of Lithuania No.S-MIP-24-38 "Human perception-inspired speech enhancement: integration of deep learning, noise profiling, and human auditory knowledge" 02.09.2024 - 31.08.2027, position: project leader
Project "Creation of the Great Lithuanian Speech Corpus (LIEPA-3)", Project Nr. 02-023-K-0001, 12.03.2024 - 30.04.2026. The project is funded by the Economic Recovery and Resilience Plan "New Generation Lithuania". Position: project leader
The project of the Research Council of Lithuania No. S-SV-24-101 "Application of natural language processing methods for identification of clinical terms in electronic records". 2024.07.01-2024.08.30, position in the project: scientific supervisor
Project "EDIH VILNIUS: accelerating green and digital transformation in Vilnius region" No. 101083844, Work carried out under an agreement with Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos, 2024.02.15 - 2024.08.23, position in the project: senior researcher
The project of the Research Council of Lithuania Nr. S-VIS-23-8 "Research on propaganda and disinformation: automatic recognition by machine learning, impact and societal resilience", 2023-09-01-2026-06-30, position: principal researcher.
COST action CA21167 "Universality, diversity and idiosyncrasy in language technology (UniDive)", 2022.09-2026.09, position: MC Member.
Postdoctoral Project “Investigating speech in the presence of noise interferences employing signal processing and machine learning methods”, 2021-07-2023.07, position: researcher.
COST action CA18231 "Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation", 2019-2023, position: MC Member.
Postdoctoral Project “Analysis and Modeling of Promises Using the Joint Additive Synthesis and Source-Filter Model Method”, 2018.12-2019.12, position: researcher.
Projects of EU Structural Funds LIEPA2, 2017.12-2020.12, position: senior researcher.
COST action CA15225 "Fractional-order systems - analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design", 2016-2020, position: MC Substitute.
Projects of EU Structural Funds LIEPA (Services Controlled by Lithuanian Voice), 2013-2015, position: project expert.
professional development
ERASMUS teaching visit at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 28-31 October
VU Educational Competence Center 16-hour training program "Teacher-Student Interaction. Motivation for learning", from 9 to 16 April
VU Educational Competence Center 20-hour training program on "Preparation of teaching materials", from 27 February to 26 March
Erasmus staff training visit to The Progress and Business Foundation in Krakow, Poland, 19-23 February
Scientific training at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Period: 19 June - 1 July, Advisor: Prof. dr. hab. Inż. Bożena Kostek
Short-term scientific missions (STSM) at The International Hellenic University (IHU), Greece
Period: 15-20 May, Advisor: Prof. Konstantinos I. Diamantaras
Erasmus staff training visit to the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia), February 13-17
Scientific training at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Period: 20 June - 9 July , 31 October - 5 November
Advisor: Prof. dr. hab. Inż. Bożena Kostek
2021 m.
The 11th Lisbon Machine Learning School – LxMLS 2021, July 7–15, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
Scientific training at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Period: 21 May - 15 June, 8-13 September, 22-27 September
Advisor: Prof. dr. hab. Inż. Bożena Kostek
Scientific training at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Periods: 15 - 27 Januar, 15 April - 12 May, 2 - 27 October
Advisor: Prof. dr. hab. Inż. Bożena Kostek
Scientific training at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Periods: 18 April - 18 Jun, 4-30 September, 23 October – 22 November
Advisor: Prof. dr. hab. Inż. Bożena Kostek
ERASMUS teaching visit at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 16-20 October
Subject field “Signal processing and sound synthesis”
ERASMUS teaching visit at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, 12-17 December
Subject field “Signal processing and sound synthesis”
The 8th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning, May 21–25, 2012, Estoril, Portugal.
Honours and Awards
Best Poster Award, 13th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania
Winner of the INFOBALT scholarship for young scientists. The presented work “Comparative analysis of Lithuanian consonant phoneme features”
Laureate of the 9rd young scientist conference “Interdisciplinary research in physical and technological sciences”, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania
Best Poster Award, 10th International Workshop on Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania
Certificate of Distinction for superior performance at the Young Researcher’s poster presentation, 10th International Scientific Congress of Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Lodz, Poland
Certificate of merit for scientific work „Analysis and synthesis of Lithuanian phoneme dynamic sound models”, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania
Diploma for the best presentation, 3rd young scientist conference “Interdisciplinary research in physical and technological sciences”, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Lithuania