Assoc. Prof. Dr. Algirdas Lančinskas
Department: Global Optimization Group
Position: Senior Researcher, Associate Professor, Project Principal Researcher
Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 629, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 210 9309
- PhD in Physical Sciences (Informatics, 09P)
- Vilnius University, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, 2013
- Topic of the thesis: Parallelization of Random Search Global Optimization Algorithms
- Master in Informatics
- former Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2009
- Bachelor in Mathematics
- former Vilnius Pedagogical University, 2007
- Vilnius University
- Lecturer at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (from 2015)
- Researcher at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (from 2014)
- Junior Researcher at Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (2012−2014)
- Junior Researcher at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (2011−2015)
- Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences
- Lecturer at Faculty of Science and Technology (2011−2017)
- Head of Informatics Laboratory (2008−2011)
- Assistant in Informatics Laboratory (2006−2008)
- HiPEAC Computing Systems Week. Dublin, Ireland, 2016 November 7−9
- NESUS Winter School and PhD Symposium 2016. Timisoara, Romania, 2016 February 8−11
- MINO/COST Spring School on Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization and Applications. Tilburg, The Netherlands, 2015 March 10−13
- ERASMUS lecturing visit at the University of Malaga, 2014 September 4−9
- a cycle of lectures on global and multi-objective optimization and its parallelization has been given
- HiPEAC Computing Systems Week. Barcelona, Spain, 2014 May 13−15
- Spring School on Convex Optimization and Applications. Klagenfurt, Austria, 2014 April 8−11
- ComplexHPC Spring School 2013: Heterogeneous Computing − Impact on Algorithms. Uppsala, Sweden, 2013 June 3−7
- ComplexHPC Spring School 2011: HPDC Middleware, Environments, and Tools. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011 May 9−13
- HPC-Europa2 research visit at Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre (EPCC). Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2011 May 18 − August 10
- ERASMUS studying visit at University of Almeria, Spain, 2010 September 24 − December 23
- Summer School on Modern Data Mining Technologies. Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2007 September 9−15
Research Projects
- Member of the research group of the project "Creation and development of algorithms for global optimization"
- Funded by Research Council of Lithuania and hosted by Vilnius University (2014−2016)
- Member of the research group of the project "Nonconvex multiobjective optimization: methods and algorithms"
- Funded by Research Council of Lithuania and hosted by Vilnius University (2012−2014)
- Member of the research group of the project "Developing computational techniques, algorithms, and tools for efficient simulation and optimization of biosensors of complex geometry"
- funded by the European Social Fund under the Global Grant measure "Support to Research of Scientists and Other Researchers"
- hosted by Vilnius University (2011−2015)
- Member of the research group of the project "Influencia del criterio de elección del consumidor en la localización óptima de una nueva empresa"
- funded by Research of the Seneca Foundation − Agency of Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia
- hosted by University of Murcia (Spain)
- Member of the research group of the project "Metodos de optimizacion exactos y heuristicos para la resolucion de nuevos modelos de localizacion competitiva"
- funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
- hosted by University of Murcia (Spain)
Professional Activities
- COST Action AC15140: ImAppNIO − Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice
- Member of the management committee (from 2016)
- COST Action IC1305: NESUS − Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing
- Member of the management committee (from 2014)
- HiPEAC − European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation
- Affiliated member (from 2013)
- The Association of European Operational Research Societies (EURO)
- Member of EUROPT − the working group on Continuous Optimization
- Member of conference program committees
- 17th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2017)
- 16th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2016)
- 2nd International Workshop on Theoretical Approaches to Performance Evaluation, Modeling and Simulation (TAPEMS 2017)
- 1st International Workshop on Theoretical Approaches to Performance Evaluation, Modeling and Simulation (TAPEMS 2016)
- Computer Days-2017 − The multi-event of Lithuanian Computer Society
- Computer Days-2015 − The multi-event of Lithuanian Computer Society
- Reviewer of scientific journals
- Journal of Global Optimization
- Optimization Letters
- Central European Journal of Computer Science
- Open Engineering (Central European Journal of Engineering)
- Informatica
- Baltic Journal of Modern Computing
- Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control
Scientific Publications
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas. Preference-based Multi-Objective Single Agent Stochastic Search. To appear in Proceedings of The XIII Global Optimization Workshop
- E. Filatovas, A. Lančinskas, O. Kurasova, J. Žilinskas (2016). A preference-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm R-NSGA-II with stochastic local search. To appear in Central European Journal of Operations Research. ISSN:1435-246X, DOI:10.1007/s10100-016-0443-X
A. Lančinskas, P. Fernández, B. Pelegrín, J. Žilinskas (2017) Improving solution of discrete competitive facility location problems. Optimization Letters, 11(2):259−270. ISSN:1862-4472, DOI:10.1007/s11590-015-0930-3
A. Lančinskas, P. Fernández, B. Pelegrín, J. Žilinskas (2016) Estimating the Pareto Front of a Hard Bi-criterion Competitive Facility Location Problem. In: Advances in Stochastic and Deterministic Global Optimization, vol. 107 of the series Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 255−272. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-29975-4_14
Pascual Fernández, Blas Pelegrín, Algirdas Lančinskas, Julius Žilinskas (2017) New heuristic algorithms for discrete competitive location problems with binary and partially binary customer behavior. Computers and Operation Research, 79:12−18. ISSN:0305-0548, DOI:
A. Lančinskas, P. Fernández, B. Pelegrín, J. Žilinskas (2016) Solution Of Discrete Competitive Facility Location Problem For Firm Expansion. Informatica, 27(2):451−462. ISSN:0868-4952,DOI:
D. Evangelista, A. Zuccaro, A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas, M.R. Guarracino (2016) A web-oriented software for the optimization of pooled experiments in NGS for detection of rare mutations. BMC Research Notes, 9(111):1−7. ISSN:1756-0500, DOI:10.1186/s13104-016-1889-6
E. Hendrix, A. Lančinskas (2015) On benchmarking stochastic global optimization algorithms. Informatica, 26(4):649−662. ISSN:0868-4952
V. Tiešis, A. Lančinskas, V. Marcinkevičius (2015) Analysis of Genetic Risk Assessment Methods. Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys, 56:117−122. ISSN:0132-2818, DOI:10.15388/LMR.A.2015.19
A. Lančinskas, P.M. Ortigosa, J. Žilinskas (2015) Solution of Bi-objective Competitive Facility Location Problem Using Parallel Stochastic Search Algorithm. In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015), pp. 7−9. ISBN:978-84-608-2581-4.
A. Lančinskas, P.M. Ortigosa, and J. Žilinskas (2015) Parallel optimization algorithm for competitive facility location. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 20(5):619−640. ISSN 1392-6292, DOI:10.3846/13926292.2015.1088903
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas (2014) Parallel Shared-Memory Multi-Objective Stochastic Search for Competitive Facility Location. In: Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops, vol. 8805 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 71−82. ISBN:978-3-319-14324-8, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-14325-5_7
R. Baronas, A. Lančinskas, A. Žilinskas (2014) Optimization of Bi-Layer Biosensors: Trade-off Between Sensitivity and Enzyme Volume. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 2(4):285−296. ISSN:2255-8942
J. Žilinskas, A. Lančinskas, M.R. Guarracino (2014) Application of Multi-Objective Optimization to Pooled Experiments of Next Generation Sequencing for Detection of Rare Mutations. PLoS ONE, 9(9):e104992. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0104992
A. Lančinskas, E.M.T. Hendrix, J. Žilinskas (2014) On Benchmarking Stochastic Global Optimization Algorithms. In: Proceedings of The XII Global Optimization Workshop (MAGO 2014), pp. 9−12.
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas (2014) Parallel Multi-objective Memetic Algorithm for Competitive Facility Location. In: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, vol. 8385 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 354−363. ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-55195-6_33
R. Baronas, J. Kulys, A. Lančinskas, A. Žilinskas (2014) Effect of Diffusion Limitations on the Multianalyte Determination from Biased Biosensor Response. Sensors, 14(3):4634−4656. ISSN:1424-8220, DOI:10.3390/s140304634
A. Lančinskas, P.M. Ortigosa, J. Žilinskas (2013) Multi-objective Single Agent Stochastic Search in Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 18(3):293−313. ISSN:1392-5113
R. Baronas, J. Kulys, A. Žilinskas, A. Lančinskas, D. Baronas (2013) Optimization of the Multianalyte Determination with Biased Biosensor Response. Chemometrics and Inteligent Laboratory Systems, 126:108−116. ISSN:0169-7439, DOI:10.1016/j.chemolab.2013.05.003
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas (2013) Solution of Multi-Objective Competitive Facility Location Problems Using Parallel NSGA-II on Large Scale Computing Systems. In: Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing, vol. 7782 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 422−433. ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-36803-5_31
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas (2012) Approaches to Parallelize Pareto Ranking in NSGA-II Algorithm. In: Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, vol. 7204 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 371−380. ISSN:0302-9743, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-31500-8_38
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas, P.M. Ortigosa (2011) Local Optimization in Global Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms. In: 2011 Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2011), Salamanca, Spain, October 19−21, pp. 323−328. ISBN:978-1-4577-1122-0, DOI:10.1109/NaBIC.2011.6089613
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas, P.M. Ortigosa (2010) Investigation of Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm With Reduction of the Search Area. In: 2010 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops and Posters, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 20−24, pp. 1−5. ISBN:978-1-4244-8395-2, DOI:10.1109/CLUSTERWKSP.2010.5613108
A. Lančinskas, J. Žilinskas (2010) Methods for generation of random numbers in parallel stochastic algorithms for global optimization. Journal of Young Scientists, 2(27):118−122. ISSN:1648-8776
A. Lančinskas, V. Jadzgevičienė (2010) Visual Analysis of Questionnairy Data. Innovative Infotechnologies for Science, Business and Education, 1(8):8−11. ISSN:2029-1035
Scientific Conferences
- Optimization 2017. Lisbon, Portugal, 2017 September 6−8
HiPEAC 2017 Conference. Stockholm, Sweden, 2017 January 23−25 (without presentation)
XIII Global Optimization Workshop (GOW'16). Braga, Portugal, 2016 September 4−8
HiPEAC 2016 Conference. Prague, Czech Republic, 2016 January 18−20 (poster presentation)
Second International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2015). Cracow, Poland, 2015 September 10 (poster presentation)
Joint ORSC/EURO International Conference 2015 on Continuous Optimization. Shanghai, China, 2015 May 10−12
6th Veszprem Optimization Conference: Advanced Algorithms (VOCAL2014). Veszprem, Hungary, 2014 December 14−17
6th International Workshop "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems". Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2014 December 4−6
XII Global Optimization Workshop (MAGO 2014). Malaga, Spain, 2014 September 1−4
First International Workshop on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS 2014). Porto, Portugal, 2014 August 27−28
20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2014). Barcelona, Spain, 2014 July 13−18
5th International Seminar "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems". Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2013 December 5−7 (poster presentation)
22nd International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. Malaga, Spain, 2013 June 17−21
ComplexHPC Spring School 2013: Heterogeneous Computing − Impact on Algorithms. Uppsala, Sweden, 2013 June 3−7 (poster presentation)
COST Action IC0805 "Open Network for High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments" Working Groups Meeting. Madrid, Spain, 2013 April 15−16
4th International Seminar "Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems". Druskininkai, Lithuania, 2012 December 6−8
25th EURO Conference on Operational Research. Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012 July 8−11
2nd Conference of Junior Researchers "Tarpdalykiniai tyrimai fiziniuose ir technologiniuose moksluose". Vilnius, Lithuania, 2012 February 14
2nd Workshop of COST Action IC0805 "Open Network for High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments". Timisoara, Romania, 2012 January 25−27
Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2011). Salamanca, Spain, 2011 October 19−21
4th Conference of Junior Researchers "Operacijų tyrimai versle, inžinerijoje ir informacinėse technologijose". Kaunas, Lithuania, 2011 September 30
ComplexHPC Spring School 2011: HPDC Middleware, Environments, and Tools. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2011 May 9−13 (poster presentation)
1st Conference of Junior Researchers "Fizinių ir technologijos mokslų tarpdalykiniai taikymai". Vilnius, Lithuania, 2011 February 8
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing Workshops and Posters 2010. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 2010 September 20−24
International Conference of Young Scientists. Šiauliai, Lithuania, 2010 April 29−30. 2nd International Conference on Innovative Information Technologies (IIT). Vilnius, Lithuania, 2008, October 16−18