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Project title
Realization time
Scientific research project 'Identification of epigenetic marks for early diagnostics of rectum cancer', No. MIP-043/2014/LSS-580000-391
Scientific research project `Group geometry and topology´,
No. MIP-046/2014/LSS-580000-446
Scientific research project `Investigation, numeric analysis and applications of stat ionary problems with non-local boundary conditions´, No. MIP-047/2014/LSS-580000-369
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
A. Štikonas
Scientific research project `Existence of solutions and evaluation of parameters of stochastic differential equations´, No. MIP-048/2014/LSS-580000-364
Prof. Dr. Habil. K. Kubilius
Scientific research project `Development of global optimization algorithms´,
No. MIP-051/2014/LSS-580000-362
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas

Scientific research project ‘A concrete functional analysis and probability theory: new methods and their application’, No. MIP-53/2012/ LSS-580000-456

Dr. Habil. R. Norvaiša
Scientific research project ‘Methods and algorithms of non-convex multicriteria optimization’,
No. MIP-063/2012/ LSS-580000-444
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Project for developing the human resources programme for promoting the mobility of scientists and other researchers as well as students scientific work (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-01) ‘Realization of postdoc studies in Lithuania’. Scientific probationers J.Gordevičius, R.Paulavičius. No. 004/11/MTDS-580000-401, No. 004/18/MTDS-580000-400
Prof. Dr. Habil.
G. Dzemyda
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas

Support for the scientific event ‘Data Analysis Methods for Software Systems’, 
No. MOR-043/2013

Support for the scientific event ‘Research of informatics engineering teaching: methodologies, methods, and practice’. No. MOR-062/2014
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Promotion of students scientific activities, No. SMP009, SMP010, SMP0211
Assoc. Prof. Dr. G.Grigas
Support for a scientific event: The 10th international conference organized by the Baltic countries ‘Data bases and information systems, Baltic DB IS 2012’. No. MOR-018/2012/ LSS-580000-1005
Support for a scientific event: The XXVth conference of European operational research societies association ‘Operational research combines sciences’. No. MOR-035/2012/ LSS-580000-1150
Prof. Dr. Habil.
L. Sakalauskas
Support for the scientific event ‘Research of informatics engineering teaching: methodologies, methods, and practice’. No. MOR-052/2012/ LSS-580000-2294
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Support for a scientific event ‘Informatics at school: the main concepts, innovations and research’. No. MOR-001/2012/ LSS-580000-944
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Scientific research project ‘Multidimensional problems with nonlocal boundary conditions: mummer cal methods and applications’, No. MIP-051/2011/ LSS-580000-1317
Prof. Dr. Habil.
M. Sapagovas
Project for developing the human resources programme for promoting the mobility of scientists and other researchers as well as students scientific work (VP1-3.1-ŠMM-01) ‘Realization of postdoc studies in Lithuania’. Scientific probationers V. Grabauskiene, A.Bakšajev. No. 58/MTDS-580000-2033, No. 54/MTDS-580000-2029
Prof. Dr. V. Dagienė
Prof. Dr. Habil. R. Rudzkis
Modelling of long memory and heavy tails in finance and insurance. Project in line with the General grant
No. VP1-3.1-SMM-07-K-01-033, No. MIP-036/2011/LSS-580000-1301
Prof. Dr. Habil. D. Surgailis
Scientific research of students (at the time free from studies), No. SMT/10-039/SMT10R-023
Assoc. Prof. Dr. G.Grigas
Global optimization algorithms with simplicial partitions.
Project No. MIP-10382, Agreement No. MIP-108/2010
(2010-07-14 - 2010-12-31)
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
Analysis of liquidity with a view to decrease investment costs in the market of securities. Research Council of Lithuania, Project No. MIP-10090, Agr. No. MIP-20/2010 (2010-07-01 - 2010-12-31)
Dr. A. Raudys
Concentration of measures and functions. RCL No. MIP-10056 , MIP-47/2010 (2010-07-01 - 2010-12-31)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
S. Norvidas
Calculus of rough functions and its application in econometrics Research Council of Lithuania (RCL). Project No. MIP-10146 , MIP-66/2010 (2010-07-01 - 2010-12-31)
Dr. Habil. R. Norvaiša
Research internship No. S-20/2009 `Application of stochastic global optimization methods in engineering´, intern: Dmitrijus Šešokas.
Prof. Dr. Habil. J. Mockus
Investigation of intersection graph structures RCL. Agreement SUT-MIP-52/2010, Project No. MIP-10088 (2010-07-01 – 2010-12-31)
Prof. Dr. Habil.
V-09050: Agreement for supporting the `Gilibert´ research project (V-33/2010) Software Systems Research Based on Data Mining Methods; in cooperation with INSA de Lyon, LIRIS UMR 5205, (2009-02-01 - 2010-12-31)
Dr. J. D. Besson, Software Engineering Department
Methods for solving parabolic and Navje-Stoks differential equations with nonlocal conditions. No. T-09003 , T-73/09,
(2009-03-27 - 2009-12-20)
Prof. Dr. Habil.
Investigations of approximations of statistical estimates under heavy tail conditions, No. T-70/09, 2009-03-27, (2009-03-27 - 2009-12-31)
Dr. Habil. V. Bentkus
Mathematical and statistical analysis of rough functions.
No. T-68/2009, (2009-03-04 - 2009-12-20)
Dr. Habil. R. Norvaiša
Optimization of schedules in the internet environment, applications in high and secondary schools. No. T-102/09, (2009 01 - 2009 12)
Prof. Dr. Habil. J. Mockus
Analysis of approximate equilibrium using models based on the Euler equation. No. T-77/2009 , T-09047, (2009 03 27 - 2009 12 31)
Project `LieTa´ Jonas Basanavicius digital library of Lithuanian folklore. No. Fi-137 LieTa
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Development program of the technology project `Information technology tools of clinical decision support and citizens´ wellness for the e- Health system `Info Health´. No. B-07019 , 4/2007 , 4/2008 (2008.06.09 - 2009.12. 23)
Systems Analysis Dept.
Project `Global optimization of complex systems using high performance computing and grid technologies´ supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation through the Programme for Higher Technologies, No. B-03/2007, B-03/2008, B-03/2009, (2008 06 09 - 2009 12 31)
Prof. Dr. J. Žilinskas
Project of priority Lithuanian R&D trends "GENOLOG: Investigation of genetic and genomic basics of of cleft lip and/or palate". Reg. No. C-07022, No. C-02/2007, G-02/2008 (2008-05-28 - 2009-12-30)
Assoc. Prof. Dr.
M. Radavičius
Research internship `Component engineering of integrated enterprise information systems´ (IOIS), No. S-09/2007
Research internship `Optimal structural and parametric process design´. No. S-3/2007
Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Žilinskas
Scientific research project `Development of special data mining methods to explore the anisotropy of texture temperature of the heart´. No. T-106/08 (No. T-8153), (2008.04.07-2008.12.20)
Systems Analysis Dept.
Statistical methods and applications in the analysis of financial data. No. T-25/08, (2008.04.03 - 2008.12.22)
Dr. Habil. V. Bentkus
Analytical and probabilistic methods for investigation of rough functions. No.T-15/07, (2008.01 - 2008.12)
Dr. Habil. R. Norvaiša
Simulation of public security, group interests and evolution of a need for cooperation in the changing world. No. T-31/2008, (Reg. No. T-08199, (2008 02 01 - 2008 12 28)
Prof. Dr. Habil.
S. Raudys
Imitation, modelling, and optimization system of interbank settlements. No. T-33/2008 (2008.04.15 - 2008.12.31)
Prof. Dr. Habil.
L. Sakalauskas
Programme `Investigations regional of folklore and dialects: West Lithuania Dzukija´, Reg. No. C-03045 , L-13/2007