Dr. Saulius Maskeliūnas
Department: Cyber-Social Systems Engineering Group
Position: Researcher, Deputy Director
Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 201, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 210 9342
Scientific Background
1996 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics [currently: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies]: (thesis title: “Knowledge base structuring technique for heuristic and qualitative reasoning systems”), Doctor of Sciences Degree in Informatics
1984 Kaunas Polytechnic Institute [currently: Kaunas University of Technology], Faculty of Automatics, Automated Management/Control Systems, Engineer – System Technician Diploma (cum laude)
Employment Record
Since 1984, Scientific Researcher / Junior Scientific Researcher / Engineer-Programmer,
at Cyber-Social Systems Engineering Group / Software Engineering Department,
VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies / [VU] Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Since Oct. 2010, Vice-Director, VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies / VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Jan. 2005 - Sept. 2010, Scientific Secretary, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
1999, Researcher, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, part time
1996-1998, System Analyst, Sekasoft UAB, part-time
1982-1983, Laboratory Assistant-Programmer, Kaunas Polytechnic Institute, part-time
Research Interests
In general: Information Systems and Knowledge-Based Systems.
In particular (from most important now to past ones): Semantic Web, Scientometrics, Web Services, Ontological Engineering, Knowledge Management and Organisational Memories, Workflow Automation, Qualitative Reasoning, Expert Systems.
Scientific publications
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Saulius-Maskeliunas
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3587-9655
- Sapagovas, M.; Būda, V.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Štikonienė, O.; Štikonas, A. Minimal surfaces and the Plateau problem: numerical methods and applications // Informatica. Vilnius : Vilnius University Press. ISSN 0868-4952. eISSN 1822-8844. 2024, vol. 35, iss. 2, pp. 401–420. DOI: 10.15388/24-INFOR552.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Translation of ISO/IEC 22989:2022 “Artificial Intelligence Concepts and Terminology” Standard Into Lithuanian // // DAMSS: 14th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 30 - December 2, 2023. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2023. eISBN 9786090709856. pp. 57-58. (Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233 ; vol. 39). DOI: 10.15388/DAMSS.14.2023.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Dzemydaitė, G. Extension of GIS functionality for integration of surface water bodies assessment // CEUR workshop proceedings: Baltic DB&IS 2022 Doctoral Consortium and Forum. July 3–6, 2022, Riga, Latvia. Aachen : CEUR-WS. ISSN 1613-0073. 2022, vol. 3158, pp. 33-44. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3158/paper4.pdf .
- Kalibatienė, D.; Miliauskaitė, J.; Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S. Development of a fuzzy inference based solar energy controller for smart marine water monitoring // Informatica. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. ISSN 0868-4952. eISSN 1822-8844. 2021, vol. 32, iss. 4, pp. 795-816. DOI: 10.15388/21-INFOR470.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Radzevičius, V. An approach of ensuring interoperability of multi-dimensional data warehouses for monitoring of water resources // Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management. Vilnius : VGTU. ISSN 1648-6897. eISSN 1822-4199. 2021, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 9-20. DOI: 10.3846/jeelm.2021.14112.
- Dagienė, E.; Kriščiūnas, A.; Tautkevičienė, G.; Maskeliūnas, S. Impact of national research assessment exercises on monographs and scholarly books authored by the Lithuanian researchers // In: ISSI 2019: 17th international conference of the international society for scientometrics and informetrics, 2-5 September, Rome, Italy: proceedings. Leuven : International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, 2019. ISBN 9788833811185. pp. 2716-2717.
- Maskeliūnas, S.. Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga 2015-2017 metais // Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2017, Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga. Vilnius: Žara, 2017, pp. 9-15.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Dzemydaitė, G.; Miliauskas, A. Semi-automatic service provision based on interaction of data warehouses for evaluation of water resources // Informatica, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 709-722. DOI: 10.15388/Informatica.2016.107.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga 2013-2015 metais // Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2015, Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga. Vilnius: Žara, 2015, pp. 7-13.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Sandström, U.; Dagienė, E. Evolution of research assessment in Lithuania 2005 – 2015 // In: Salah, A.A.; Tonta, Y.; Akdag Salah, A.A.; Sugimoto, C.R.; Al, U. (Eds.). Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 29 June - 3 July, 2015. Istanbul: Bogazici University, 620-621.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Miliauskas, A.; Naujikienė, R.; Dzemydaitė, G. E-Service Composition for Decision Support, Based on Monitoring of Contamination Processes and Analysis of Water Resource Data // Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2015, 21(6), 869-884.
- Maskeliūnas, S. National Research Data Archive MIDAS: development decisions and usage peculiarities // In: Proceedings of Joint Estonian-Latvian Theory Days at Ratnieki, Latvia, October 2-5, 2014, University of Latvia.
- Petrauskienė, Ž.; Maskeliūnas, S. Implementing national open access research data archive // ScieCom info. Lund: Lund University, 2014, 10(1):1-3.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Miliauskas, A.; Naujikienė, R.; Dzemydaitė, G. An Approach of E-Service Composition for Multi-Spectral Analysis of Data Warehouses of Water Resource Management Sector // In: Haav, H.-M., Kalja, A., Robal, T. (Eds.). Databases and Information Systems. Proceedings of the 11th International Baltic Conference on Database and Information Systems, Baltic DB&IS 2014, 8-11 June, 2014, Tallinn, Estonia. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology Press, 2014, pp. 291-302.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Dagys, V.; Žandaris, A. Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga 2011-2013 metais // Kompiuterininkų dienos - 2013. Vilnius: Žara, 2013, pp. 7-12.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S. Development of the multi-componential and interoperable decision support system for environment protection of water recourses // In: Social technologies. International conference social technologies '13. Development of social technologies in the complex world: special focus on e-health. Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2013, pp. 78-89.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijos, semantinis saitynas ir semantinė paieška // Pranešimas eLABa konsorciumo seminare „Išmanioji informacijos paieška“, VU MKIC, 2013-11-20.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Sudėtingesnės paieškos internete būdai // Pranešimas eLABa konsorciumo seminare „Išmanioji informacijos paieška“, VU MKIC, 2013-11-20.
- Dzemyda, G.; Čaplinskas, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Tarptautinė informatikų konferencija duomenų bazių ir informacinių sistemų tematika // Mokslas ir technika, 2012, Nr. 9, pp. 2, 35.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Žinių technologijų (ir saityno technologjijų) terminų žodynėlis // https://raštija.lt ir http://terminai.vlkk.lt , 2012, 8 p.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Lietuvos mokslo produkcijos vertinimo įtaka Lietuvos mokslo žurnalų leidybai // Mokslo ir technikos raida, 2011, Vol. 3 (2), 129-138.
- Tiits, M.; Kalvet, T.; Freibergs, I.; Eriksonas, L.; Maskeliūnas, S. The Baltic R&D in ICT Scene // In: Proc. of IPTS – IT STAR Int. Conference "ICT Research and Innovation Challenges in Eastern European Member States", 11 November, 2011, Budapest, Hungary.
- Otas, A.; Dagys, V.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Žandaris, A. Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjungos veikla 2009-2011 metais // Kompiuterininkų dienos - 2011. Vilnius: Žara, 2011, pp. 7-19.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Eriksonas, L. Lithuania in the context of European Digital Agenda // IT STAR Newsletter, Spring 2011, Vol. 9(1), 7-8.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Dagienė, E. Mokslo publikacijų vertinimas Lietuvoje ir pasaulyje // Mokslas ir technika. 2011, Nr. 5, 32-33.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S. Development of Multi-Componential Decision Support System in Dynamically Changing Application Domain of Environment Protection // Chiang Jao (Ed.). Efficient Decision Support Systems - Practice and Challenges From Current to Future. InTech, 2011, pp. 405-422. DOI: 10.5772/20143.
- Otas, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Development of Computer Literacy in Lithuania // In: Giulio Occhinii & Plamen Nedkov (Eds.) ICT Skills, Education and Certification: The Multi-Stakeholder Partnership. Proceedings of the 4th IT STAR Workshop, 27-28 November 2009, Rome, Italy. IT STAR Publications, 2010, Vol. 4, pp. 61-68.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Žinių technologijų terminų žodynėlis // Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2009. ISBN 978-9986-34-218-2. Vilnius, Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga, 2009, pp. 343-354.
- Žandaris, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Tiksliname lietuviškuosius terminus: ne žiniatinklis, bet saitynas // Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2009. ISBN 978-9986-34-218-2. Vilnius, Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga, 2009, pp. 306-310. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S., Otas, A. Development and Application of Information Society Strategies in Lithuania // In: Domolki, B., Nedkov, P. (eds.). National Information Society Experiences. Proceedings of the 3rd IT STAR Workshop on National Information Society Experiences (NISE '08), 8 November, 2008, Godollo, Hungary. IT STAR Publications, 2009, Vol. 3, 54-68.
- Otas, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Development of Computer Literacy in Lithuania // In: Proceedings of the 4th IT STAR Workshop on ICT skills, education and certification: the multi-stakeholder partnership, 27-28 November, Rome, Italy, 2009, pp. 90-96.
- Maskeliūnas, S. World Wide Web, the Web, WWW – saitynas // Pakomisių naujienos, 2009-04-14, Valstybinės lietuvių kalbos komisija, 2009.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Otas, A. Development and Application of Information Society Strategies in Lithuania // In: Proceedings of the 3rd IT STAR Workshop on National Information Society Experiences (NISE 08), John von Neumann Computer Society, Budapest, 2008, pp. 40-51.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Dzemyda, I. 2008. Interoperability of Information System Components for Monitoring Sewage and Intelligent Analysis of Water Resources // Technological and Economic Development of Economy (Baltic Journal on Sustainability), ISSN 1392-8619, Vilnius: Technika, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 260–278. DOI: 10.3846/1392-8619.2008.14.260-278.
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas, S.. An approach for decision support system design for evaluation of water contamination processes // In: E. Kopytov, H. Pranevičius, E. Zavadskas, I. Yatskiv (Eds.) Proceedings of the International Conference "Modelling of Business, Industrial and Transport Systems", Transport and Telecommunications institute, Riga, Latvia, May 7-10, 2008, pp. 197-203
- Dzemydienė, D.; Maskeliūnas S.; Jacobsen, K. Sustainable management of water resources based on web services and distributed data warehouses // Technological and Economic Development of Economy (Baltic Journal on Sustainability). Vilnius: Technika, 2008, 14(1), 38-50. DOI: 10.3846/2029-0187.2008.14.38-50.
- Maskeliūnas, S. R&D situation of Information and Communication Technologies in Lithuania // IST4Balt News Journal, 3, September 2006 - August 2007, ISSN 1816-8701, pp. 14-18.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Lietuviškų klaviatūrų problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai // Informacijos mokslai, 2007, 42-43, ISSN 1392- 0561. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, pp. 128-134. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. R&D in ICT - Lithuania // In: P. Nedkov, B. Domolki (Eds.) R&D in Information and Communication Technology - Central, Eastern and Southern Europe (Proceedings of the 1st IT STAR workshop, 11 Nov. 2006, Bratislava, Slovakia). ISBN: 978-3-902580-02-3, Publisher: OCG, 2007, pp. 41-49.
- Maskeliūnas, S. R&D in Information and Communication Technologies in Lithuania. MII preprintas Nr. 2007-36, Vilnius, Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, 2007, 8 p.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Žinių technologijų pagrindinių terminų žodynėlis. MII preprintas Nr. 2006-35, Vilnius, Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, 2006, 10 p.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Research & Development in Information and Communication Technologies in Lithuania // In: National Reports on Research and Development in ICT, proceedings of 1st IT STAR Workshop. Slovak Society for Computer Science, Bratislava, 2006, 9 p.
- Jacobsen, K.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Dzemydiene, D. Water resource management information system based on web services and distributed data warehouses // In: The 4th International conference "Citizens and governance for sustainable development "CIGSUD'2006 : selected papers. September 28- 30, 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania. ISBN 9955-28-041-7. Vilnius: Technika, 2006, pp. 184-189. (PPT)
- Zdramys, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Information System for Data from Marine and Transitional Waters // In: Proceedings of the US/EU-Baltic International Symposium on “Integrated Ocean Observation Systems for Managing Global & Regional Ecosystems Using Marine Research, Monitoring & Technologies”, May 23-24-25, 2006, Klaipėda, Lithuania.
- Paliulionis, V.; Maskeliūnas, S. Architecture for location-based services // IST4Balt News Journal, 1, september 2004-august 2005, ISSN 1816-8701, pp. 44-46. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Kaip vadinsime lietuviškai "Knowledge","WWW", "Grid" technologijas, jų derinius ir išvestinius terminus? // Leidinyje: Kompiuterininkų dienos – 2005. 12-osios mokslinės kompiuterininkų konferencijos darbai. UDK 004 (474.5) (06), ISBN 9986-34-147-7. Vilnius, 2005, pp. 240-246. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijų naudojimas interneto technologijomis grindžiamoms paslaugoms intelektualizuoti // Informacijos mokslai, 2003, t. 26, ISSN 1392-0561. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, pp. 154-159. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijų panaudojimas verslo ir informacinėms sistemoms intelektualizuoti // Leidinyje: Informacinės technologijos 2003, Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, III sekcija „Duomenų bazės ir modeliai“. ISBN 9955-09-335-8 Kaunas: Technologija, 2003, pp. III-9 - III-15 (Ir CD „XXI Amžiaus informacinės technologijos“. ISBN 9955-09-336-6. Kaunas: KTU, 2003). (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Modernių informacinių sistemų ontologijos ir paslaugų reikalavimų formulavimas // Leidinyje: Informacinės technologijos 2003, Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, III sekcija „Duomenų bazės ir modeliai“. ISBN 9955-09-335-8. Kaunas: Kauno technologijos universitetas, 2003, pp. III-1 - III-8. (Ir CD „XXI Amžiaus informacinės technologijos“. ISBN 9955-09-336-6. Kaunas: KTU, 2003).
- Jacobsen, K.; Maskeliūnas, S. Web service-based information system of water resource management // In: Jean Claude Rault (Eds.), ICSSEA 2003, 16th International Conference “Software & Systems Engineering and Their Applications”, proceedings. 5. ISSN 1637-5033. Centre pour la Maitrise des Systemes et du Logiciel, CNAM, Paris, France, 2003, pp. 1/10-10/10.
- Bigelis, Z.; Maskeliūnas, S. Telework Ontology: needs and solutions // In: E.Zvirblis, D.Juknys, A.Beriozko, J.Bonnin (eds.). Proceedings of International TELEBALT Conference "Teleworking for Business, Education, Research and e-Commerce", Vilnius, Lithuania, 21-22 October 2002. ISBN 9955-9612-0-1. Vilnius: Infobalt Centras,2002, pp. 295-298. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijų panaudojimas projekto repozitorijui intelektualizuoti // Leidinyje: Informacinės technologijos' 2002. Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, XI sekcija „Veiklos procesų ir informacinių poreikių analizė“. R. Šeinauskas (sudarytojas). ISBN 9955-09-119-3, Kaunas: Technologija. 2002, pp. 382-388. (Ir CD „XXI Amžiaus informacinės technologijos“. ISBN 9955-09-336-6. Kaunas: KTU, 2003). (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijų panaudojimo galimybės, kuriant sudėtingas sistemas // Leidinyje: Informacinės technologijos' 2001, Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga, VIII sekcija „Sistemų formalus specifikavimas, modeliavimas ir validavimas“. ISBN 9955-09-098-7. Kaunas: Technologija. 2001, pp. 215-220. (Ir CD „XXI Amžiaus informacinės technologijos“. ISBN 9955-09-336-6. Kaunas: KTU, 2003).
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontologijų išreiškimo galimybės naudojant temų žemėlapius // Informacijos mokslai. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2001, Vol. 18, pp. 105-109. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Loginio programavimo priemonių naudojimo darbui su duomenų bazėse saugoma informacija apžvalga // Leidinyje: "Lietuvos mokslas ir pramonė - Informacinės technologijos'2000", Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga (Kaunas, 2000m. vasario mėn. 2-3 d.), Sudarytojas B. Paradauskas, Kauno technologijos universitetas, "Technologija", Kaunas, 2000, pp. 203-210. (PPT)
- Maskeliūnas, S. Ontological engineering: common approaches and visualisation capabilities // Informatica, 2000, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 41-48. DOI: 10.3233/INF-2000-11104.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Žinių atvaizdavimas ir valdymas darbų srautų automatizavime, naudojant Lotus Notes // Leidinyje: Lietuvos mokslas ir pramonė - Informacinės technologijos'99, Konferencijos pranešimų medžiaga (Kaunas, 1999m. vasario mėn. 3-4 d.), A. Otas, V. Petrauskas, H. Pranevičius, R. Šeinauskas (red.), Kauno technologijos universitetas, "Technologija", Kaunas, 1999, pp. 78-84.
- Ribikauskas, A.; Vasilecas, O.; Maskeliūnas, S. Investigation of Architecture of the Intellectualised Product Quality Control System // Information technology and control. ISSN 1392-124X. Kaunas: Technologija, 2(11), 1999, pp. 43-56.
- Kulikauskas, A.; Maskeliūnas, S. Organizing Thoughts into Sequences, Hierarchies, and Networks // In: Proceedings of the 4th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 Int. Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, EMMSAD'99, (in conjunction with CAiSE'99), K.L.Siau (ed.), Heidelberg, Germany, June 14-15, 1999, J-1 - J-12.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Possibilities of supplementing an information system with knowledge management solutions // In: J. Eder, I. Rozman, T. Welzer (eds.), Advances in Databases and Information Systems, Third East European Conference, ADBIS'99, Maribor, Slovenia, September 13-16, 1999, Proceedings of Short Papers. ISBN 86-435-0285-5. Maribor, Slovenia: Institute of Informatics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1999, pp. 46-52.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Organizacijų atmintys: požiūrių apžvalga // Leidinyje: Kompiuterininkų dienos - 99. I dalis. Devintosios mokslinės-praktinės kompiuterininkų konferencijos ir ketvirtosios mokyklinės informatikos konferencijos mokslo darbai. Sudarytojai: A. Čaplinskas ir V. Dagys; Lietuvos kompiuterininkų sąjunga. Birštonas, 1999 m. rugsėjo mėn. 16-18 d., Vilnius, Žara, 1999, pp. 57-62.
- Maskeliūnas, S.; Jaliniauskas, A. Lotus Notes Tool for Interdepartmental Work Groups of Legislative Drafting // In: Proc. of the IFORS SPC8 "Organisational Structures, Management, Simulation of Business Sectors and Systems", Kaunas, Lithuania, September 10-12, 1998, Organisational Structures, Management, Simulation of Business Sectors and Systems, H. Pranevicius, B. Rapp (Eds.), Kaunas University of Technology Press, Technologija, 1998, pp. 135-140.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Workflow Automation with Lotus Notes for the Governmental Administrative Information System // In: Proc. of the Third International Baltic Workshop "BalticDB&IS'98", Riga, April 15-17, 1998, Databases and Information Systems, Volume 2, Jānis Bārzdinš (Ed.), Riga, Latvia, 1998, pp. 64-75. arXiv.org/abs/cs/9903019
- Maskeliūnas, S. Darbų srautų automatizavimas, diegiant VADIS projekto Tarpinstitucinių ryšių posistemį // Leidinyje: Kompiuterininkų dienos'97, Birštonas, rugsėjo 17-20 d. Konferencijos medžiaga, Vilnius: Žara, 1997, pp. 216-220.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Administracinių darbų srautų automatizavimas su Lotus Notes // Leidinyje: Konferencijos "Informacinės technologijos'97" pranešimų medžiaga, Kaunas, 1997, pp. 149-156.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Žinių bazių struktūrizavimo metodas euristinio ir kokybinio samprotavimo sistemoms. Daktaro disertacija. Informatics (4D). Matematikos ir informatikos institutas, Vilnius, 1996.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Knowledge base structuring technique for heuristic and qualitative reasoning systems. Abstract of the thesis for a doctor's degree (Specialization: 4D. Informatics). Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius, 1996, 20 p.
- Maskeliunas, S. Extension of a Rule-Based System Usability // In: B. Dahlbom, F. Kammerer, F. Ljungberg, J. Stage, C. Sorensen (eds.). Proceedings of the 18th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia IRIS 18 "Design in Context", Part II (Series: Gothenburg studies in Informatics - 7). Göteborg, Sweden: School of Economics and Commercial Law, Göteborg University, 1995, pp. 465-478.
- Maskeliūnas, S. The structuring technique for rule bases // In: H. Pranevičius (ed.) The 3rd Baltic Summer School on Information Technology and Systems Engineering, Kaunas: Technologija, 1995. ISBN 9986-13-258-4. pp. 36-38.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Extension of a rule-based system applicability // Informatica, 1995, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 181-192. DOI: 10.3233/INF-1995-6203.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Loginio programavimo interpretavimo būdai // Leidinyje: "Kompiuterininkų dienos'95". Konferencijos medžiaga, Vilnius, 1995, pp. 81-83.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Produkcinių taisyklių bazės struktūrizavimas // Leidinyje: "Kompiuterininkų dienos'95". Konferencijos medžiaga. Vilnius, 1995, pp. 84-86.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Rekursijos atvaizdavimas Paskalyje, naudojant rodykles // Leidinyje: Lietuvos mokslas ir pramonė. Konferencijos "Informacinės technologijos'95" pranešimų medžiaga, Kaunas: Technologija, 1995, pp. 139-148.
- Tiešis, V.; Maskeliūnas, S.; Skurikhina, M. The investigation of two competitive systems // Informatica, 1994, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, pp. 211-230. DOI: 10.3233/INF-1994-51-212.
- Šalkauskas, M.; Maskeliūnas, S. Rule-based control and simulation of a rinsing bath model for plating // C. Carlsson, T. Jarvi, T. Reponen (eds.), Multiple Paradigms for Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of Contributed Session Papers. STeP-94 – Conference on Artificial Intelligence Research in Finland, Turku Technology Center, 29-31 August 1994. ISBN 951-96735-3-9. pp. 264-266.
- Maskeliūnas, S. The use of a rule-based system for qualitative reasoning // In: E. Sandewall, C.G. Jansson (eds.), Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence - 93. ISSN 0922-6389. Amsterdam, etc.: IOS Press, 1993, pp. 50-59. [Or in: M. Singh, N. Piera (eds.), Qualitative Reasoning and Decision Technologies, Proceedings of the IMACS International Workshop QUARDET'93. ISBN 84-87867-22-7. Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering CIMNE, 1993, pp. 701-710].
- Maskeliūnas, S. Integration of heuristic and qualitative reasoning in an expert database system // In: M. Singh, L. Trave-Massuyes (eds.), Decision Support Systems and Qualitative Reasoning, Proceedings of the IMACS International Workshop. ISBN 044489179X. Amsterdam, etc.: Elsevier Science Ltd, North-Holland, 1991, pp. 261-265.
- Maskeliūnas, S. Deep reasoning organization in knowledge based systems // In: D. Richter, H. Grabowski (eds.), Engineering Information in Data Bases and Knowledge Based Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference TECHNO-DATA'90 (Research in Informatics, 3). ISBN 3-05-501272, ISSN 0863-4300. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1990, pp. 246-255.
- Maskeliunas, S. Supplement of database system with knowledge components // In: P. Beregy et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on DBMS, Suzdal,USSR, October 1989. Kalinin: Sc.-Prod. Association "Tsentrprogrammsystem", Book 1, 1989, pp. 94-105.
Scientific and other projects
2020-2022 m.
Further development of the Science Data Archive MIDAS https://www.midas.lt
Measure: Improving the network of higher education institutions
Customer: Vilniaus universitetas
Role: Ekspert (for MIDAS development)
2019-2022 m.
ARIS: AI skills for ICT professionals https://aris-project.eu/
Customer: EU Erasmus+ programme
Contractors (Partners): Business Training SA (Belgium), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy), Lithuanian Computer Society (Lithuania), EXELIA E.E. (Greece)
Role: Project specialist
2015-2019 m.
Expert evaluation of projects for compliance with the criteria for research and experimental development
Customer: Inogama UAB
Contractor: Vilnius University
Role: Project manager, Implementer
The National Open Access Data Archive of Scientific Information (MIDAS), No. VP2-3.1-ISDC-013-V-01-001
Objectives: To develop a uniform infrastructure of national research data digital archive for collecting and storing research empirical data and other related information of biomedical, physical, human, social and technological sciences, and providing the opportunity for anyone wanting to free of charge easy and convenient Internet access to it.
Customer: The Information Society Development Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications
Role: Expert
Empowering Young Researchers (EYE)
Partners: Europlan UK Ltd., UK; Instituto Tecnológico de Informatica, Spain; Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgaria; University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia; Leipzig University, Germany; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Lorraine, France; University of Manchester, UK; Omega Travel, Serbia
Objectives: to build a lasting European community of high potential young researchers (Yrs) that are able to generate radical new ideas and build research collaborations in interdisciplinary areas, EYE will help them to develop their research potential and their ability to develop new curricula for Future and Emerging Technologies (FET). The project encourages the generation of high risk scientific ideas through brainstorming and interdisciplinary collaboration between young researchers. EYE also supports the development of young scientists´ leadership potential via networking and training.
Coordinator: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
Partners: Europlan UK Ltd., UK; Instituto Tecnológico de Informatica, Spain; Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgaria; University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering, Serbia; Leipzig University, Germany; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden; University of Lorraine, France; University of Manchester, UK; Omega Travel, Serbia.
Grant: 7th Framework Program of European Commission
National Coordinator: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Role: EYE National Contact in Lithuania
"Creation of specialised application "eMentorius" for personalized pedagogical e-consultations, applying adaptive models of process semantics and personalised semantic search methods", No. VP2-1.3-ŪM-02-K-02-117
Partners: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University
Objectives: to create a specialized solution - advice online electronic advising system for parents and teachers, that consistently applies semantic models of adaptive processes and personalised semantic search methods according to individual needs, to provide rapid pre-school-age education and care-related knowledge, and personalized adaptive education advice.
Grant: Lithuanian Business Support Agency (Action Program: Economic Growth, Priority: research and technological development for competitiveness and economic growth; Measure: Intellect LT)
Role: Head of Research at the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Role and impact of professional and scientific societies in ICT Research, Education and Innovation
May 2010 – January 2011
Partners: UAB „Europarama".
Objectives: general: to outline a strategy for development of ICT scientific and professional societies in Europe; personal: overview of ICT Research, Education and Innovation in Lithuanian scientific and professional societies; filling online questionnaires and development of the database of respondeds
Customer: ASM Market Research and Analysis Centre Ltd., Poland
Grant: European Commission, Directorate-General for Information Society and Media
Role: Task Leader
Lithuania – RTD Technological Audit: A complex study of ICT RTD potential in Lithuania
May 2009–January 2010
Partners: UAB Europarama, Knowledge Economy Forum
Objectives: To review any studies and strategy papers regarding the technological status of Lithuania in the field of ICT RTD; To review the activities of major academic institutions, governmental bodies and commercial entities that carry out RTD in the field of ICT; To outline participation of Lithuania in the FP6 – IST Priority and FP7 – ICT Theme; To identify the current and planned research infrastructures related to ICT RTD activities; To present/analyse identified opportunities and barriers for the successful participation and integration of Lithuania in the FP7; To provide a list of actions that need to be taken at national and European level to increase the participation of Lithuanian organisations both private and public in the FP7 ICT Theme.
Customer: Information Society and Media Directorate General of EC
Grant: European Commission
Role: Task Leader
ERASMUS higher education mobility programme of the EU Lifelong learning programme, (No. 234527-IC-1-2007-1-LT-ERASMUS-EUC-1, ID code: LT VILNIUS17)
Objectives: Teaching (lectures), training (personnel) and doctoral studies visits to EU Universities.
Grant: European Commission and the Ministry of Science and Education
National Coordinator: Education Exchanges Support Foundation (http://www.smpf.lt)
Role: Institutional Coordinator
Development of scientific research and doctoral studies infrastructure of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
July 2006–January 2008
Objectives: to increase the quality of researches and experimental development pursued in the scientific trends of mathematics, informatics, and informatics engineering with a view to bridge the gap between the level of these services, rendered in Lithuania, and the respective services, rendered in the advanced EU states.
Customer: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Grant: EU Structural Funds
Role: Head of Project
Lithuania, Waste Reporting. Wastedatabase
August 2003 – January 2004
Partners: Carl Bro as, Denmark
Objectives: Dataflow analysis of Lithuanian Waste sector, and development of Data Input Subsystem for Waste database.
Customer: The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania (with Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
Grant: Danish Co-operation for the Environment in Eastern Europe (DANCEE)
Role: Information Management Expert
Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, Lithuania, Meeting 2006 deadlines
April 2003 - October 2004
Partners: Carl Bro as (Denmark) and Center for Environmental Policy, Vilnius
Objectives: to continue development of Water Resource Management Information System.
Customer: The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania (with Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
Grant: Danish Co-operation for the Environment in Eastern Europe (DANCEE)
Role: System Analyst
Transposition of the EU Water Framework Directive and Elaboration of a National Strategy for the Management of Water Resources in Lithuania
March – November 2002
Partners: Carl Bro as (Denmark) and Center for Environmental Policy, Vilnius
Objectives: to develop the prototype of Water Resource Management Information System.
Customer: The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania (with Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
Grant: Danish Co-operation for the Environment in Eastern Europe (DANCEE)
Role: System Analyst
Long-term assistance on information and reporting, Information Management Programme
September 2000 – October 2001
Partners: Carl Bro as, Denmark
Objectives: to develop the "Reporting Requirements and Legal-Institutional-Technical Gap Analysis" database.
Customer: The Ministry of Environment of Lithuania (with Danish Environmental Protection Agency)
Grant: Danish Co-operation for the Environment in Eastern Europe (DANCEE)
Role: Information Management Expert
Pedagogue Database
July – August 2001
Partners: Baltic Amadeus UAB
Objectives: To redesign and develop the database of Lithuanian pedagogues.
Customer: Ministry of Education and Science
Role: Database Architect
Version management application of the Integrated Tax Information System (IMIS)
August – September 2000
Partners: Infoterra UAB
Objectives: to design the Version management application of IMIS.
Customer: State Tax Inspectorate under the Ministry of Finances
Role: Author of Specification
Payment subsystem of the Information System
January - September 2000
Partners: Sasaja UAB
Objectives: to specify and develop the Payment subsystem of the Information System.
Customer: State Service of Radio Frequencies
Role: Database Architect
Governmental Administrative Information System (VADIS)
July 1996 – October 1998
Partners: Sekasoft UAB
Objectives: development of VADIS subsystems of Inter-institutional document management, Control of assignments of the Government Office, Interdepartmental work groups.
Customer: Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Role: System Analyst
Investigation of main principles of expert system development and maintenance on the basis of model of organisational-technological processes
March 1986 – December 1987
Objectives: to develop the prototype of expert system (coupled with the database) for the dispatcher of R&D assignments.
Customer: Vilnius Scientific Research Institute of Radio-Measuring Equipment
Role: One of Two Project Heads
Other activities
- Program Committee member of BalticDB&IS'2024,'22,'20,'18,'16,'14,'12,'10,'08,'06,'04,'02, KoDi'23,'21,'19,'17,'15,'13,'11,'09,'07,'05, BDAS'2018,'17, ICNNAI'2014,'10,'06, EuroSymposium'2013, BSC'2013, JCKBSE'2010, ICNNAI'2010, CONFENIS'2007, BIR'2007,'06, MCCIS-DS'06,'05, ADBIS'2005, ECAI'04, ECIS'2003,'02, NWPER'2000,'98 Conferences;
- Organising Committee member of BalticDB&IS'24,'18,'12,'10,'08,'06,'04,'02,'00,'98,'96,'94, KoDi'23,'21,'19,'17,'15,'13,'11,'09,'07,'05, DAMSS'2022–'09, Constructionism'2018, JCKBSE'2010, LMD'2009, ISD'2004, TELEBALT'2002, ADBIS'2001, ACAI'1997 Conferences;
- Reviewer of EuroSymposium2019, CIGSUD'2006, IJCAI'2003 Conferences;
- Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS) President / Chairman of the Council (since Nov. 2010) [LIKS is a member of INFOBALT Association, National Digital Coalition, International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and a research partner of International AIQT Foundation];
- Co-Chair of LIKS Artificial Intelligence section [member society of European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI)] (since 1995);
- Member of LIKS sections: “Bebras” Challenge, Cyber Security, Localisation, State Information Resources Management Analysis and Development);
- Technical Committee LST TK4 "Information technology“ of the Lithuanian Standards Board chairman (since Jan. 2021; member since 1998);
- State Commission of the Lithuanian Language Sub-Commission of Language Technologies member (since Nov. 2012);
- "Encyclopaedia for Lithuania and the World" (ELIP, www.Lietuvai.lt ) Board of Editors member (since 2012);
- Commission of Terms in Informatics and Information Technologies member (since Jan. 2005);
- Project "Development of Next Generation Access Infrastructure – RAIN 3" Steering Committy member (2018–2022);
- Horizon 2020 programme ICT Committee expert (2016–2021);
- Open Access to Scientific Information working group of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport member (since Jan. 2020);
- National Association of Distance Education member (since Jan. 2014);
- Knowledge Economy Forum member (since Sept. 2009);
- Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE) expert supporter (since 2019);
- European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Member of the Rules of Participation (RoP) working group member (since 2020);
- International Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technology (INAIQT) Foundation Advisory board member (since June 2020);