Dr. Gabrielė Stupurienė
Department: Education Systems Group
Position: Researcher
Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 605, Vilnius
Research work
Dr. Gabrielė Stupurienė gained a doctoral degree in informatics engineering. She has been researching problems in informatics education (interdisciplinary studies of informatics, informatics engineering, and education) for more than ten years and has published more than 30 scientific articles.
Her main research topics are informatics education, computational thinking skills, STEAM education, applications of artificial intelligence in teaching and learning, and pedagogical approaches to emerging technologies.
Since 2023, she has been involved in teacher training (pre-service and in-service) focusing on artificial intelligence in education.
She is an ambassador in Lithuania for the European Commission's digital competence self-reflection tool SELFIEforTEACHER.
She has participated in several national and EU-funded projects as a project leader and researcher.
Doctoral studies
Theme Model of Fundamental Informatics Concepts Education
Supervisor prof. dr. (HP) Valentina Dagienė
Study time 2014 10 01–2018 09 30
Aim: The aim is by using the function modeling method, to identify the basic set of fundamental informatics concepts for school students and develop a model for a concept-based informatics education.
Main problems:
- To analyze literature related with informatics education based on fundamental concepts for primary and secondary school and determine the problems;
- To identify the basic set of fundamental informatics concepts by using the function modelling method;
- To describe two-dimensional categorization system (incorporate computational thinking skills categories and fundamental informatics concepts) for informatics learning tasks;
- To develop the model of informatics education based on fundamental informatics concepts;
- To perform expert evaluation of the developed model for informatics education at school.
National Projects
Postdoctoral fellow: Integrated Informatics education: Attitudes and Digital Competences of Primary School Teachers (Research Council of Lithuania, 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-23-0083).
„Optimisation of the network of higher education institutions and improvement of the quality of studies through the merger of Šiauliai University with Vilnius University“ (project No 09.3.1-ESFA-V-738-03-0001), financed from the European Social Fund, under the project's impact area „Improvement of the teachers' competences in research and development of educational innovation and development of school support“.
Topic: Informatics in primary schools: a comparative study of three different teaching methods. 2022-2023. Study in Medeina Primary School.
International Projects
Development of STEAM education. Erasmus+KA2 project No. 2020-1-LT01-KA201-077935, 2020 – 2023. Coordinator - National Agency for Education, Lithuania. VU institutional coordinator – dr. Gabrielė Stupurienė (DOSE)
STEAM-CT STEAM-CT Erasmus+ No. 2019-1-BE02-KA201-060222, 2019-2022 (coordinating institution VIVES University College, Belgium)
Contractual Research (from 2016)
Contract funded by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission: The study CompuThink II - Reviewing Computational Thinking in Compulsory Education: State of Play and Practices from the Field. Conducted together with partners: CNR-ITD (Italy) and European Schoolnet (EUN). Tender reference Ares(2021)2442977 of the 09.04.2021.