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Global COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the life and work conditions of each person. Also, It has shown that IT companies perform the best and even can grow in such hard times for county economics. The fastest-growing technologies are related to the application of Artificial intelligence or more precise Machine learning. These technologies are applied to various domains, starting from marketing, finance, and finishing with agriculture, health care, and even space research.

The computation power of computers and graphics cards is growing year by year. Giant IT companies, such as Google and Facebook, are willing to share their software and technologies related to Artificial intelligence. It allows people and companies to start quickly using Artificial intelligence methods and try to implement their ideas on our everyday tasks. As a result of this process, we observe different solutions and products trying to help us, recommend, or suggest something to us. In this dynamically developing science and technologies environment, we have to deal with new challenges of finding more precise and efficient Artificial intelligence-based solutions for current tasks and applying AI methods for new tasks. Therefore, we have to specialize and develop more specific and deeper theoretical and practical skills to deal with these challenges. The artificial intelligence laboratory will allow accumulating human experience and specialized hardware to educate students and work on business problems. On 23rd October 2020, the council of Faculty of Mathematics and informatics was founded the Artificial intelligence laboratory in the Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies. The laboratory was established in collaboration with UAB Neurotechnology.

dil03dil02The laboratory aim. Practical application of knowledge by solving actual scientific and technological problems related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, automatization, and robotics domains.

The laboratory vision. International computer science center that unites science and business interests by developing artificial intelligence methods and technologies, training, and educating international level specialists that could perform in the Artificial intelligence application and research domains.

The laboratory will create an environment for students of all levels and researchers of the faculty to do applied research on problems related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, automatization, and robotics. The second goal is to establish long term relationships with business organizations by sharing competencies and working on R&D projects.