Mokslinės konferencijos
IV International Doctoral Consortium
On Informatics And Informatics Engineering Education Research:
Scope, Methods, And Validation
December 3–7, 2013, Druskininkai, Lithuania
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Research Council of Republic of Lithuania Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology – informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The DC provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik (Ljublana University, Slovenia): Suggestions and criteria for writing informatics education doctoral thesis.
- Prof. Dr. Robin Clark (Aston University, UK): Using Mixed Methods? – Don't Forget the Numbers: Exploring the Quantitative Side of a Mixed Approach to Pedagogical Research.
- Prof. Dr. Lauri Malmi (Aalto university, Finland): An Overview of Computing Education Research – Research Topics and Research Processes.
- Prof. Dr. Carsten Schulte (Berlin Freie University, Germany): On Computer Science Education Research: Reality and Future.
- Dr. Mary Webb (King's College London, UK): How can qualitative research techniques support research in computer science / ICT education research?
Doctoral School on Informatics Education
and Educational Software Engineering Research
November 26–30, 2014, Druskininkai, Lithuania
Traditional annual event, organized since 2010 by the
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology – informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students’ current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Detailed agenda
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The Doctoral School provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik (University of Ljublana, Slovenia). Suggestions and criteria for writing computer science education doctoral thesis.
- Prof. Dr. Erik Barendsen (Nijmegen Rounbound University, The Netherlands). Investigating teacher knowledge and students' learning using PCK instruments, concept maps and learner reports.
- Dr. Renata Burbaitė (Panevėžys gymnasium). Using software to make research easier
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2012.
6th Doctoral Consortium on Informatics Engineering Education Research
December 8-12, 2015, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology- informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Prof. Dr. Erik Barendsen , Nijmegen Rounbound University, The Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Andrej Brodnik , University of Ljublana, Slovenia
- Prof. Dr. Gerald Futschek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Presentation
- Dr. Päivi Kinnunen, Aalto University, Finland, Presentation 1, Presentation 2
- Prof. Dr. Don Passey, Lancaster University, UK
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arnold Pears, Uppsala university, Sweden
6th Doctoral Consortium photos by Viktorija Dvareckienė
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
7th Doctoral Consortium on Informatics Engineering Education Research
November 30 - December 4, 2016, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology- informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work in Informatics (CS) and education to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Dr. Lilia Georgieva, Herriot-Watt university, United Kingdom, Presentation
- Prof. Dr. Don Passey, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom, Presentation
- Prof. Dr. Arnold Pears, Uppsala university, Sweden, Presentation 1, Presentation 2
- Prof. Dr. Erkki Sutinen, University of Turku, Finland, Presentation
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
8th Doctoral Consortium on Informatics Engineering Education Research
December 6-10, 2017, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology- informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The International Doctoral Conference provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work in Informatics (CS) and education to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Prof. Dr. Erik Barendsen, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Turku University, Finland
- Prof. Dr. Saulius Gudas, Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Lithuania
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
Nordplus workshop
Culturally Diverse Approaches to Learning Mathematics and Computational Thinking
in cooperation with
the 9th International Doctoral Consortium on
Informatics and Informatics Engineering Education Research
November 30 - December 5, 2018, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics in cooperation with
Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology- informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The International Doctoral Conference provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work in Informatics (CS) and education to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Prof. Dr. Erik Barendsen, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Don Passey, University of Lancaster, United Kingdom
- Prof. Dr. Arnold Pears, Uppsala university, Sweden
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
Nordplus Workshop
Culturally Diverse Approaches to Learning Mathematics and Computational Thinking
in cooperation with
the 10th International Doctoral Consortium on
Informatics and Informatics Engineering Education Research
December 2–6, 2019, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by Vilnius University
Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies and Institute of Educational Sciences
in cooperation with Lithuanian Computer Society
The aims
- Offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology- informatics engineering and education.
- Provide a supportive setting for feedback on students' current research and guidance on future research directions.
- Offer each student comments and fresh perspectives on their work from researchers and students outside their own institution, as well as help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- Support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field, and promote the development of a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research.
- Support a new generation of researchers with information and advice on research and academic career paths.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The International Doctoral Conference provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop under the guidance of distinguished senior researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work in Informatics (CS) and education to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. We welcome submissions from students at any stage of their doctoral studies.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Dr. Mikko-Ville Apiola, University of Turku, Finland
- Prof. Dr. Erik Barendsen, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- Prof. Dr. Gerald Futschek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Prof. Dr. Liudmyla Kryvoruchka, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine
- Prof. Dr. Arnold Pears, Uppsala university, Sweden, Presentation
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
11th International Doctoral School on Education Research
December 8–11, 2021, Druskininkai, Lithuania
International annual event, organized by Vilnius University
Institute of Educational Sciences together with
Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
The aims
- To offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of education.
- To receive constructive feedback from their peers and senior researchers, to help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- To support networking with other researchers.
- To discuss any relevant questions related to research and academic life.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The consortium is designed primarily for students who are currently enrolled in any stage of doctoral studies with a focus on education research (pedagogy, didactics, teacher training, formal and non-formal education, higher education, educational technology, computational thinking, STEM) or with a focus on other areas of research in connection to globalization, modern technologies and education. Senior researchers in the field will provide feedback and suggestions for improvement of the research proposals.
Prospective Supervisors:
- Erik Barendsen, Rabound University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Martin Drlik, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia
- Filomena Faiella, Salerno University, Italy
- Gerald Futschek, TU Wien, Austria
- Ineke Henze, TU Delft, The Netherlands
- Mirjana Ivanovic, University of Novy Sad, Serbia
- Mile Jovanov, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Liudmyla Kryvoruchka, National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy", Ukraine
- Mart Laanpere, Tallinn University, Estonia
- Don Passey, Lancaster University, UK
- Zsuzsa Pluhar, Eöotvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
- Vasileios Symeonidis, Graz University, Austria
- Luis Alexandre da Fonseca Tinoca, Alameda University, Lisabona, Portugal
- Renata Bilbokaitė, Vilnius University
- Valentina Dagienė, Vilnius University
- Lilija Duoblienė, Vilnius University
Prof. Dr. (HP) Valentina Dagienė Review of Doctoral Consortium from 2012 to 2021
To learn more about Doctoral School please watch this video, recorded during Doctoral Consortium in 2014.
The Third International Doctoral Consortium
on Informatics Engineering Education Research:
Methodologies, Methods, and Practice
December 3-7, 2012 in Druskininkai, Lithuania
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
The aims
- To offer a friendly forum for doctoral students to discuss their research topics, research questions and design in the field of computing education / educational technology – informatics engineering and education.
- To receive constructive feedback from their peers and senior researchers, to help with choosing suitable methodology and strategies for research.
- To support networking with other researchers in the informatics engineering education research field.
- To discuss any relevant questions related to research and academic life.
Research summaries and biographies of the participants
The consortium is designed primarily for students who are currently enrolled in any stage of doctoral studies with a focus on informatics / informatics engineering / computing education research. Students, who are considering doctoral studies but not have yet a formal doctoral student researcher status, may participate as well.
Senior researchers in the field will provide feedback and suggestions for improvement of the research proposals.
Prospective Supervisors:
- prof. dr. Jonte Bernhard, Linköping University, Sweden
- prof. dr. Albertas Čaplinskas, Vilnius University, Lithuania
- prof. dr. Robin Clark, Aston University, UK
- dr. Anna Eckerdal, Uppsala University, Sweden
- prof. dr. Gerald Futschek, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- dr. Päivi Kinnunen, University of Eastern Finland
- dr. Ari Korhonen, Aalto University, Finland
- prof. dr. Mattia Monga, Milan University, Italy
- dr. Noa Ragonis, Beit Berl College, Technion, Israel
- prof. dr. Márta Turcsányi-Szabó, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary