LTU Patekote į pirmąjį lietuvišką domeną. Daugiau informacijos


2020 m. vasario 24 d., 17:00 val.

Vilnius, Naugarduko g. 24, 102 (J. Kubiliaus) aud.



Erdoğan Şen

(Tekirdag Namik Kemal universitetas, Turkija)


„Spectral analysis of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of second order non-local boundary-value problems“


Pranešimo santrauka:

In this talk, after an introduction about our previous works on spectral analysis of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of second order boundary value problems (BVPs) with/without retarded argument we present our results obtained during our joint research with prof. Artūras Štikonas. We investigate the existence of solutions and find asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of second order non-local BVPs.


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