LTU Patekote į pirmąjį lietuvišką domeną. Daugiau informacijos

Kognityvinių skaičiavimų grupės seminaras

2018 m. kovo 12 d., 13:00 val.

Vilnius, Akademijos g. 4, 203 kab.


doc. dr. Kristina Lapin


„Time-critical decision support: the user perspective“


Pranešimo santrauka
The talk is aimed at overviewing studies conducted on supporting human decisions in avionics. The challenge is finding a balance between human and machine control. Air traffic surveillance tasks require to meet real-time deadlines. An air traffic controller is fully responsible for decision consequences. Therefore, the major requirement is to include the individual to decision making process.
Decision support can be tackled in two ways: rational versus naturalistic. Presented studies follow the latter approach: a decision is made by a human instead of being selected from a set of calculated ones. The talk includes an overview of naturalistic decision making models, cognitive processing aspects and visualization methods. To illustrate the merits, examples of prototypes developed to validate the proposed approaches will be presented.