LTU Patekote į pirmąjį lietuvišką domeną. Daugiau informacijos



2021 m. rugsėjo 29 d., 9 val.

Nuotoliniu būdu „MS Teams“ aplinkoje (


Assoc. Prof. Tatiana Tchemisova

(Portugalijos Aveiro universitetas)


„Regularization of conic and copositive programming problems“


Pranešimo santrauka:
Regularization of conic and copositive programming problems consists of transforming a problem to an equivalent form, where the Slater condition is satisfied and, therefore, the strong duality holds.
In the talk, we will describe a Face Reduction Approach (FRA) suggested by  J.M. Borwein and H. Wolkowicz for abstract convex problem, a similar regularization approach of H. Waki and  M. Muramatsu for conic problems, and a new regularization algorithm Reg-LCoP, which is based on a new concept of immobile indices suggested in our study of semi-infinite, semidefinite, and copositive problems.
We compare these approaches and show that, being applied to linear copositive problems, the approach based on the immobile indices is more constructive since it permits to formulate the regularized problem explicitly and in a finite number of steps.
Informacija apie pranešėją:
Tatiana Tchemisova is an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and researcher of CIDMA, Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She graduated from the Belarusian State University and received PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1996. During more than 20 years of teaching at the University of Aveiro, she lectured more than 20 different curricular units including subjects on linear, nonlinear, and network optimization, operations research for students of undergraduate and postgraduate level, supervised research seminars on convex, semi-infinite and semidefinite programming. Her expertise includes different aspects of mathematical optimization, mostly in continuous and convex optimization, semi-infinite and semidefinite optimization and optimization over convex cones. Another area of her research is related to mass transfer and minimal resistance problems, shape optimization and applications of optimization methods in Data Mining and Decision Support. Tatiana Tchemisova is the author and co-author of more than 40 scientific articles and several didactic textbooks. She is a member of the Editorial Boards of six international journals, served as Editor of several Proceedings Books of International Conference and as a Guest Editor of Special Issues in International Journals such as Optimization, DAM (Discrete and Applied Mathematics), and Springer series of Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS). She was chair and co-chair of about ten and member of organizing and scientific committees of more than fifty international conferences. During the last ten years, she was Vice-chair of the Managing Board of EUROPT -- "EURO Working Group on Continuous Optimization" and Vice-president of APDIO – Portuguese Association of Operations Research. Since 2020, Tatiana is a national representative of APDIO in "WISDOM Forum of EURO" (WISDOM--Women In Society: Doing Operational Research and Management Science) of EURO--European Association on Operations Research.