

Dr. Anita Juškevičienė

Department: Education Systems Group
Position: Senior Researcher

Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 606, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 210 9314


Scientific and Pedagogical Background

PhD in Informatics Engineering: Vilnius University, Lithuania, 2014.

M.Sc.: Vilnius University, Mathematics and Informatics teaching, 2009.

Research Work

Anita Juškevičienė, Ph.D., offers extensive experience in the integration of technology and education. With a background in computer science engineering and mathematics education, she has dedicated her career to exploring innovative approaches to learning enhancement. Her research interests include computational thinking, problem-based learning, and STEAM education. Through her involvement in various national and EU-funded projects, Anita has demonstrated her commitment to advancing educational practices and fostering collaboration within the academic community.

Scientific publications

Publications with VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies & Institute of Mathematics and Informatics affiliation

Scientific and other projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Research internship. Using Constructivism, and Project and Challenge Driven Pedagogy for learning Computational Thinking. Dr. A. Juškevičienė, 2020-2021.

PostDoc: “Algorithmic thinking enhancement by modern technologies in basic education”, Lithuanian Research Council, 2017-2019.

3C4Life - Perspectives for Lifelong STEM Teaching – Career Guidance, Collaborative Practice and Competence Development (grant no. 626139-EPP-1-2020-2-DE-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY), 2021-2024

COST,  EUGAIN - European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics, OC-2019-1-23975, 2020-2024

EDUSIMSTEM - Fostering STEM Education in Schools, 612855-EPP-1-2019-1-TR-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD, 2019-2023

Member for methodological group of EU co-funded project No. 01.1.1-CPVA-V-701-15-0001 „Development of Vilnius STEAM Center” activity „Preparation of the Methodological Part of STEAM Center activities: Development of Laboratory Descriptors and Integrated Methodologies for Robotics and Mobile Technology and Visual Programming Laboratory”,, 2021-2024

GEM - Empower Girls to Embrace their Digital and Entrepreneurial Potential, LC-01380173 (Girls4STEM-2019), 2019-2022

Services of localisation of computer-aided teaching means. 2019-2021

  (Learning community for Web 2.0 teaching) 2009–2012. Researcher (Vilnius University)

IGUANA: Improving School Governance using an Action Learning approach. Researcher (Vilnius University), 2013-2017, EC `Lifelong learning program´ project

Services of localisation of computer-aided teaching means 2010-2012. Senior researcher, Agreement with Education Development Centre No. F5-155 (9.28)

Ph.D. Supervision

Snieguolė Bagočienė

  • Subject:
  • Period of study: 1st October 2023–30th September 2027
  • Science field: Informatics Engineering (T 007)
  • The title of Thesis: Modelling an automatic assessment system for design thinking
  • Defended: