Laima Paliulionienė
Department: Cyber-Social Systems Engineering Group
Position: Specialist
Address: Akademijos st. 4, room 603, Vilnius
Tel: +370 5 210 9306
Scientific and Pedagogical Background
1993-1998 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, doctoral student.
1984-1989 Vilnius University, Faculty of Mathematics. Master's degree in applied mathematics.
Main position:
Since 2010, Engineer Assistant Researcher, Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
2003-2010, Junior Researcher, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
1999-2003, Assistant, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
1989-1993, Engineer Programmer, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Additional position:
2012-2015, Junior Researcher of Project, Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Research Work
- Knowledge-based systems
- Representing of legal knowledge and inference in legal knowledge bases
- Identification of equivalence and differences between knowledge bases
- Automatic comparing of business rule sets using logical inference
Scientific publications
Scientific and other projects
- Project of EU structural funds: "Theoretical and Engineering Aspects of E-Service Technology Development and Application in High-Performance Computing Platforms". No. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-08-K-01-010. 2012-2015.
- Transport optimisation software development. No. APS-580000-1961 (contractual research for JSC „Inerta LT“). 2013.
- Investigation of architectures, behaviour and implementation options of e-commerce software. Innovation Cheque No. 31V-80 (trilateral agreement between IMI, Fresh ID LLC and Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology). 2010.