

Rokas Gipiškis

Department: Cognitive Computing Group
Position: Junior Researcher

Address: Akademijos st. 4, Vilnius
Social profiles: ResearchGate profilis   Akademia profilis 




Presentations at scientific conferences

Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, March 21, 2023, Vilnius "Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Human Brain Images" (Slides)

Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, September 30, 2022, Vilnius "Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Human Brain Images" (Slides)

Doctoral Conference of Informatics Engineering and Informatics, March 24, 2022, Vilnius "Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Human Brain Images" (Slides)

Doctoral Conference of Informatics, September 30, 2021, Vilnius "Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Human Brain Images" (Slides)

Doctoral Conference of Informatics, March 26, 2021, Vilnius "Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Human Brain Images" (Slides)