

instituto vystymasis


DMSTI / IMI / IMC / IPhM directors

gintautas dzemyda mif 180307 00298Gintautas Tamulevičius
from 22 April, 2024
gintautas dzemyda mif 180307 00298Professor Gintautas Dzemyda
from 1 January, 2005 to 21 April, 2024
mifodijus sapagovasProfessor Mifodijus Sapagovas
from 13 January, 1995 to 31 December, 2004
stat dir300x436Academician Vytautas Statulevičius
from 19 December, 1966 to 12 January, 1995
pozela3 300x436 Academician Juras Požela
from 1 October, 1963 to 18 December, 1966
jucys n w300x435 Academician Adolfas Jucys
from 1 October, 1956 to 1 October, 1963




What today is the present is history tomorrow. From the perspective of time, events that seemed extremely important in their time fade away, no longer seem so important. For this reason, even scholarly books written by great historians lose their relevance over time and become the basis for other history books.

October 1, 1956, is a very important date for science in Lithuania. That is a formal date of the emergence of many scientific trends in Lithuania. This is the date that the Physical and Technical Institute was liquidated and three new institutes were established on its basis: the trends of scientific research were confirmed. One of those institutes was the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. It was then that the word MATHEMATICS appeared in the title of the institute. Over the years, the Institute of Physics and Mathematics has been reorganized and renamed several times, but it has never lost the word "mathematics" in its name or the mathematical trend in its research. Therefore the date of foundation of the present Institute of Mathematics and Informatics is to be considered October 1, 1956.

1956-1966 Institute of Physics and Mathematics before the first reorganization

1 October 1956 past kosc627x400 1Foundation of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM) Director Academician of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Prof. Adolfas Jucys, deputy director Dr. Jonas Kubilius, deputy director for farm affairs – Petras Česnulevičius.
After the reorganization of the Physico-technical Institute, three institutes have been established.
IPhM was situated on Kosciuskos st. 30, it occupied 143 m2 area, it had 24 staff workers and 10 vacancies.
The Institute was comprised of 3 subdivisions that have developed into independent institutes over time:
  • Mathematical sector (MS) that has grown into the present Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies. The Head of the sector was Dr. Jonas Kubilius. He also was a deputy director for scientific matters of the institute.
  • Theoretical Physics sector (head Prof. A.Jucys) has developed into 2 institutes - the Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astronomy and the Institute of Physics.
  • Semiconductor laboratory (head Prof. Povilas Brazdžiūnas) that has grown into the Institute of Semiconductor Physics.
jucys dir448x288 1Acad. Adolfas Jucys cesnulevicius vPetras Česnulevičius  kubiliusj pav300x436 1Acad. Dr. Jonas Kubilius  brazdziunas300x427Acad. Povilas Brazdžiūnas 
1958 Acad. Dr. J.Kubilius, appointed as Rector of Vilnius University (VU), also headed the MS, but soon he relegated these duties to Dr. V. Statulevičius. 
17 October 1960

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Dr. Vytautas Statulevičius becomes the head of the Mathematical sector (MS).

February 1961

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The building of the Computer Centre (CC) was started in Vilnius, Lentpjuvių st. 7 (now A. Gostauto st. 12).
Director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Academician Adolfas Jucys put much effort to acquire and use computing equipment. There were some preparations to acquire an electronic computing machine.

1 May 1961

zukauskas198x294Dr. Kostas ŽukauskasThe Electronic Computing Machine laboratory (ECML) was established, headed by Dr. Kostas Žukauskas.
Since 1955 Acad. Adolfas Jucys has been looking for scientific institutions that could prepare specialists for Lithuania to work in the fields of computer science. In the spring of 1957, physicists-theoreticians Ivanas Glembockis and Kostas Žukauskas left for the Computer Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences to work on probation there. K. Žukauskas was studying the structure of electronic computing machines. Later on, Kostas Žukauskas explored the structure of a computing machine BESM at the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Computing Technique of the USSR Academy of Sciences as well as the structure of a specialized analog-code converter at the Institute of Engineer Physics (Moscow). Later on, the knowledge was applied in designing an analog-code converter for the electronic computing machine BESM-2M of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.

14 July 1962

esm besm 2 627x400The first large-scale electronic computing machine BESM-2M was put into action.

The RAM of BESM was 2047 words by 39 bits each, it had two magnetic drums (MD) with 12290 words in each, and two devices of magnetic tapes containing 131000 words each. The computer consisted of 3000 electronic lamps and 10000 diodes, and it consumed 43 KW of electric power. Computation algorithms were written (programmed) in computer codes. Only 50% of its work time was effective, and the rest time was spared for fault avoidance and repairs.

1 October 1962

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The Computational Mathematics sector (CMS) was set up, headed by Dr. Vilius Matulis.
The establishment of this sector reflected a new qualitative jump in the history of IPhM as well as of the whole Lithuanian Academy of Sciences: the beginning of computation technology science research (presently-informatics). 

6 December 1962 Dr. Vytautas Statulevičius was nominated a deputy director for scientific work of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM), remaining concurrently the head of the Mathematical Sector (MS).
10 October 1963

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Prof. Juras Požela was elected director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM).

1964 The building of the Computer Centre (CC) was completed in Vilnius, Lentpjuvių st. 7 (now A. Gostauto st. 12). Construction of the premises was accomplished when the first computing machine was operating.
1 July 1964

The Technical Cybernetics sector (TCS) was established. Head Dr. Kostas Žukauskas.
Jonas Petkevičius was appointed the head of The Electronic Computing Machine Laboratory (ECML).
Dr. Eduardas Vilkas was appointed the head of the Computational Mathematics sector (CMS). This was due to the reorganization of CMS:

  • A group of employees working in mathematical logic and algorithms and programming theory were transferred to the Mathematical Logic and Programming Sector (MLPS).
  • The rest of the staff was joined by another group of gaming theory workers.

The Mathematical Logic and Programming sector (MLPS) was set up. Dr. Vilius Matulis became the head of the MLPS.

petkevicius2 250x359 Jonas Petkevičius vilkas2 200x288 Dr. Eduardas Vilkas
9 February 1965

The Mathematical sector (MS) was named a Probability Theory sector (PTS). Dr. V.Statulevičius remained its head. This name could better reflect the scientific research trends of the Mathematical sector because other trends of mathematical science were intensively developing in new mathematical subdivisions - Computational Math Sector (CMS) and Mathematical Logic and Programming Sector (MLPS).

Spring of 1965

seni rumai625x400

The building of IPhM was accomplished on the K. Požėlos 54 st. (now Goštauto 12 st.) in Vilnius.

1 October 1965 telksnys j300x436

The Recognition Processes sector (RPS) was established. Head Dr. Laimutis Telksnys.
At that time, there emerged a pressing necessity for Lithuanian Science not to stand aloof from the rapidly developing control problems science in the world and to begin systematic research of cybernetic problems.
The germs of these researches that had formed at the institute in connection with computer technique reliability problems have already become insufficient. Therefore a leading designer of the Vilnius Computing machine plant Laimutis Telksnys was invited to the Institute. A group of employees came here together with him. They made a basis for a new sector. Since that time, along with the trends of mathematical and physical sciences, the scientific research of a third trend-cybernetics-has began rapidly developing.

1966 The Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM) was granted the first category.
This meant a kind of recognition of the work pursued at the Institute which offered better opportunities for further development.
23 November 1966

The Presidium of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences adopts a resolution on the reorganization of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM).
This is the first reorganization of IPhM.

Among the research on the physical profile of IPhM, the trend of experimental semiconductor physics stood out vividly, in which, thanks to the talent and organizational efforts of the then director Juras Požėla, an original school shoots up with ponderable scientific achievements and highly qualified scientific staff. That is why the new institute - SPhI - has been originated based on semiconductor physics subdivisions.

1967-1976 Institute of Physics and Mathematics before the second reorganization

1 January 1967

stat dir300x436Vytautas Statulevičius becomes the director of the Institute of Physics and Mathematics (IPhM). Dr. Laimutis Telksnys, Dr. Mifodijus Sapagovas, and Prof. Boleslovas Styro are deputy directors.
After separating the Semiconductor Physics Institute (SPhI) from the IPhM, the latter included the subdivisions only of mathematical and cybernetics profile, Computing Center, the subdivisions of theoretical physics, and Department of Nuclear Physics and Radioactive isotopes. 
During the reorganization of the Institute, changes were made to the structure of the Institute:

  • Vytautas Liesis was appointed the chief of The Electronic Computing Machine Laboratory (ECML)
  • The Mathematical Logic and Programming sector (MLPS) was renamed the Mathematical Logic and Algorithm Theory sector (MLATS). Vilius Matulis remained its head. After transferring the programming and problem-solving work to the MLATS, the new title better reflected the research work trend, pursued in the sector.

New sectors were established:

  • The Numerical Analysis Sector (NAS). Dr. Mifodijus Sapagovas was nominated as its head.
  • The Operations Research Sector (ORS). Dr. Eduardas Vilkas was nominated as its head. 
  • The Programming and Problem Solving Sector (PPSS). Dr. Bronius Kvedaras became its head.
  • The Laboratory of Perforated Computing Machines (LPCM). Jonas Algis Petkevičius was appointed head of the laboratory. 
sapagovas300x436Dr. Mifodijus Sapagovas vilkas3 250x363Dr. Eduardas Vilkas kvedaras10 300x436Dr. Bronius Kvedaras petkevicius1vJonas Algis Petkevičius
28 March 1968

besm 4 627x400The BESM-4 computer was put into action. Engineer Antanas Čeida was appointed the head of the machine maintenance crew.

This computer was much more reliable and powerful than BESM-2M: its memory was 4000 words with 45 bits each, Magnetic Discs (MD) with 64000 words, and 4 Magnetic Tapes (MT). Its speed was 2000 commands per second. Programming was performed by machine codes; later the programming language ALGOL-60 was implemented.

5 May 1969

Boleslovas Binkauskas was appointed the head of The Electronic Computing Machine Laboratory (ECML). Vytautas Liesis becomes the chief of the computer BESM-2M maintenance crew. 

liesis2 300x436 Vytautas Liesis binkauskas300x436Dr. Boleslovas Binkauskas 
16 November 1969

The Optimal Solution Theory Sector (OSTS) was set up. Its head was Prof. Dr. Jonas Mockus.
To establish more favorable conditions for a new trend of scientific research - optimization methods of multiextremal functions - Presidium of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences has decided to move a part of the Extremal Problem Laboratory researchers (headed by Jonas Mockus) of the Institute of Physical-Technical Power Problems in Kaunas to the Institute of Physics and Mathematics. They comprised the Optimal Solution Theory Sector.
The Software Sector (SS) was established. Dr. Pranas Rumšas was nominated as its head. 
A group of specialists has successfully worked at the PPSS for a long time. They took care of the software assimilation, handling, and maintenance for "EC" - series computers. Namely, these people comprised the basis of the new sector and they were entrusted with the creation, adaptation, and exploitation of computer software.
The Algorithms and Software Foundation (ASF) was founded in MSS (head Vilma Dragūnienė).

mockus14 300x436 Prof. Dr. Jonas Mockus

rumsas 2 161x244Dr. Pranas Rumšas

draguniene0 300x434 Vilma Dragūnienė

27 March 1970 The Laboratory of Perforated Computing Machines (LPCM) was reorganized into the Information Preparation Equipment Laboratory (IPEL). Head J. Petkevičius. 
16 October 1970 

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The Mathematical Statistics Sector (MSS)
was established. Prof. Bronius Grigelionis was its head.
After the qualified staff have considerably grown in number and the scientific research topics expanded, the MSS was set up based on the Probability Theory Sector. 

Spring of 1971 BESM-2M was disconnected. Thousands of physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, engineers, medics, and economists of the republic used the computer BESM-2M, however, its exploitation was getting detrimental in comparison to others, the new computers of that time. Therefore it was written off and demounted, and a new electronic computer BESM-6 was mounted in its place. 
18 October 1971

bagu ka1 vt 1

Gediminas Baguška started to work as deputy director for economic affairs.


June 1972
The first  BESM-6 computer was put into action. Engineer Petras Šulcas was appointed the chief of the computer maintenance crew.
To satisfy the rapidly growing needs of users, the best way was to expand the computer center, to introduce new more powerful computing machines. BESM-6 had more memory, replaceable magnetic disks, 8 magnetic tape devices, and executed about 1 million operations per second. It possessed much more convenient and powerful software and worked in the common usage mode. 
16 January 1974 An independent Fund for Algorithms and Programs (FAP) was established, reporting to the Deputy Director, head of the Calculation Center. The group was headed by V. Dragūnienė.
July 1976

sulcas300x436 1
The second ESM BESM-6 is launched.
Like the first one, it was serviced by a team led by P. Šulcas.
The two computing machines were interconnected and shared resources. This greatly increased the efficiency of problem-solving.
In 1992 both computers BESM-6 were disconnected.

4 October 1976


Established The Information and Patent Sector (IPS). Head of Sector – Dr. Jonas Masiulis.
The establishment of the Unit was motivated by the need to better provide scientific information to the Institute's staff and by the rapid development of the invention. At that time, up to 50 applications for inventions were submitted annually by the staff of the Institute, and about two-thirds of these applications were accepted and granted a copyright.

1 January 1977

The second reorganization of the IPhM
The rapid expansion of the IPhM research directions and problems, the growth of its technical material base in computing, cybernetics, astronomy, and experimental physics, and a large number of highly qualified, but quite differently profiled, researchers made the Institute too universal, a kind of small academy. At the end of 1976, the Institute had more than 600 employees, including 10 PhDs, more than 120 PhD candidates, and 47 postgraduate students.

mii darb 1976 ssnews v
However, neither too narrow a specialization nor too broad a universality is conducive to effective research. This has led to the reorganization of the IPhM.

1977-1990 Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics

1 January 1977

The Institute of Physics and Mathematics splits into two institutes:
Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics (IMC). Prof. Dr. V. Statulevičius is appointed director of the Institute. The deputy directors are Prof. Laimutis Telksnys (Science), Prof. Mifodijus Sapagovas (Computing Centre), and Gediminas Baguška (Economic Affairs).

stat dir2 627x400Prof. Dr. Vytautas Statulevičius
telksnys pav 300x436Prof. Laimutis Telksnys
sapagovas pav 300x436Prof. Mifodijus Sapagovas bagu ka v Gediminas Baguška

Institute of Physics. J. Viščakas is appointed director of the Institute.
During the reorganization,n the number of laboratories and sectors of mathematical and cybernetic trends in IMC has not changed. However, a more rapid reformation of the Institute, about the new tasks, posed on it, to render more particular support to the Republican economy, required a respective reorganization of subdivisions. Two major scientific research trends were confirmed for the Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics during the reorganization which concurrently was the profiling trends at the Lithuanian SSR Academy of Sciences. These were:
1) Probability theory and its application in solving control problems;
2) Computerization of scientific research
These trends encompassed all the scientific topics that in the former Institute of Physics and Mathematics were attributed to the profile of mathematics and cybernetics.

27 January 1977 The Programming and Problem Solving Sector (PPSS) was renamed into the Differential Equations Sector (DES) headed by Dr. Bronius Kvedaras.
1 March 1977

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The Management Systems sector was established (MSS) was established. The header – Dr. Antanas Baskas. 

1 May 1977  bulotasl

The Computing Machinery and Software Experimental Production department was established. Dr. Liudvikas Bulotas was appointed head of the department.
The department was dedicated to the manufacture of custom computing devices and other technical equipment. 
1 December 1977


The Technical Cybernetics sector (TCS) was renamed the Reliability Theory sector (RTS), headed by Kostas Žukauskas.

1978  The Institute was awarded first place in Lithuania for its inventive activities. 
22 February 1978


The Technological Processes Control sector (TPCS) was set up. Dr. Celestinas Paulauskas has been appointed it's head.
With the growth of the Recognition Processes Sector and extension of its topics, a part of scientific researchers who pursued process control research was isolated into several Technological Process Control Sector. 

1979 ESM BESM-4 switched off. 
June 1979 Prof. Laimutis Telksnys is appointed head of the Computing Centre.
The previous head, M. Sapagovas, went on sabbatical (to prepare his PhD - now Habil. Dr. - thesis). Prof. Eduardas Vilkas becomes deputy director for science.
2 January 1980 cerniauskas 300x436
The Laboratory for Computer Application in Research (LCAR) is established. Dr. Valentinas Černiauskas is appointed as the head of the laboratory.
The laboratory was established to better organize and coordinate work in the Institute's second main research area, research automation. It was created by separating part of the staff of the enlarged Recognition Processes sector.
14 April 1980 Since this date sectors have attained the status of departments.
Within a department, there could be set up smaller groups and/or sectors having independent topics.
25 November 1980 The Software Sector (SS) was named as Software Department (SD), headed by Pranas Rumšas.
27 January 1981

jpm vThe Republican Extramural School for Young Programmers is launched.
The organizer of the school and its first head was Dr. Gintautas Grigas.

jpmabsolventai v

9 June 1981

grigas j 300x436

The Systems Programming Sector (SPS) was set up. Dr. Gintautas Grigas was appointed it's chief.
The sector was a constituent part of the Mathematical Logic and Algorithm Theory department (MLATD). It was the first sector set up in the department of the new status.

1 July 1981

raudys j 300x436

The Data Analysis Department (DAD) was established, headed by Dr. Sarūnas Raudys.
This department is separated from that the Recognition Processes Department.

11 June 1982 The Laboratory of Perforated Computing Machines (LPCM) was eliminated.

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Dr. Stasys Skėrus is elected as the Scientific Secretary of the Institute.
The electronic computer ESM ES-1045 was set into operation. Engineer Bronius Samuolis was appointed as the chief of its service group.


Dr. Stasys Skėrus

29 April 1984

veiveris2 300x436The Computational Management Laboratory (CML) is set up. Dr. Gediminas Veiveris has been appointed it's head.
The laboratory was given the task of managing the computational process for batch (non-remote) problems, from order acceptance to the release of results.
The System Programming Sector (SPS) was reorganized into an independent System Programming Department (SPD). It is in charge of the software for a new type of computing machine, the ES-1045. Dr. Gintautas Grigas was retained as head of the department.

Dr. Gediminas Veiveris

1 October 1984

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Experimental Factory for Computing Devices and Software "Bitas" is set up. Dr. Juozas Zalatorius is the director of the factory.


The Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics was moved to the new premises on Academijos st. 4, Vilnius.
The start of exploitation of a powerful computer complex ELBRUS-1-K2. Engineer Viktoras Veitas was nominated as the chief of its service group.

nauj sb627x400 elbrus 627x400
1 March 1985 Prof. Eduardas Vilkas became the director of the Institute of Economics (IE) taking headed by him the Operations Research Sector (ORS) into IE.
5 December 1985

The multiuser system MOKSLAS was developed.
The system was created by both available electronic computers BESM-6 connecting. The system functioned under the control of a single operating system and used common disk space. Videoton-340 monitors were used as terminals. The system was operating round the clock, it had a memory of 19200 words (with 50 bits each), 24 replaceable MB with 512000 words each, and 20 magnetic tapes. Terminals were connected by telephone lines not only in Vilnius but also in other towns. 6 programs were solved at a time, and 10 terminals worked. ALGOL-60, FORTRAN IV, LISP, and Assembler programming languages were used. The KRAB system was the controlling one. 25 organizations were joined.
In 1987, the system MOKSLAS consisted of: 2 BESM-6, 1 ES-1045, 1 ELBRUS-1-K2 computers, and 115 terminals.

30 December 1985

The new Computing Centre building is put into operation.
The new building has a floor area of 5068 m2. At the time, the ELBRUS-1-K2 computing complex was already installed.
Later, the building was home to the company BALTIC AMADEUS and TEV.

nauj sg v

28 April 1986 The Reliability Theory sector (RTS) was reorganized into the Image Analysis laboratory (IAL), headed by Algimantas Kilna.

sms su kompu vt


Institute of Mathematic and Cybernetics acquired the first IBM personal computers.
A new and qualitatively era of computerization of the Institute has begun.


bentkusr 300x436

The Applied Statistics Department (ASD) was established, headed by Dr. Raimundas Bentkus.

1 February 1988 The Signal Processing Technical Tools Group has been reorganized as an independent group within The Applied Statistics Department (ASD). The group was led by Algimantas Kilna.
27 September 1988 The company BALTIC AMADEUS is founded.
IMC, together with the Experimental Factory for Computing Devices and Software "Bitas" and "Austrocopelectronic" set up the USSR-Austrian joint venture BALTIC AMADEUS.
30 December 1989 ELBRUS-1-K2 computing complex switched off.

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LITNET, a computer network for Lithuanian research and study institutions based on TCP/IP technology, is created.
Both BESM-6 are switched off.

27 April 1990 ES-1066 calculating machine started.
Main characteristics: 5,5 million op/sec; 32 Mb RAM; 8 x 317 Mb disk array (fixed disk packs); 8 x 200 Mb swappable disk packs.
30 April 1990 The Computational Management Laboratory was reorganized into The Computational Laboratory. Dr. G.Veiveris retained as header.
5 May 1990

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Habil. Dr. Rimantas Rudzkis has been appointed as the new head of The Applied Statistics Department (ASD).

15 June 1990 The Electronic Computing Machine Laboratory (ECML) was abolished. The electronics group on which it is based.
9 July 1990 zemkl pak222x100The Institute of Mathematics and Cybernetics (IMC) is renamed the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (IMI). Academician Vytautas Statulevičius remains Director of the Institute.

1991-2010 Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

30 April 1991

kazlauskask tv

The Computing Machinery and Software Experimental Production department was abolished.
The Process Control Department is reorganised into the Process Control Group. Prof. Kazys Kazlauskas has been appointed head of the group.

May 1991 "Bitas" is re-registered as individual company with legal personality. 
27 May 1991 ESM ES-1066 has been deactivated and sold to estonians. The massive use of personal computers has made the use of large machines uneconomic. 
6 June 1991 The Statutes of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics are adopted by the General Assembly of Scientists. 
10 October 1991 Lithuania is connected to the internet for the first time.
Norway has made an opportunity for LITNET to connect to the global satellite network via NORDUnet. 
4 June 1992 The Senate of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics is elected at the General Assembly of IMI scientists. 
1993 The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, together with higher education institutions, is entitled to award habilitated doctorates in mathematics. 
5 January 1993

The System Programming Department has been renamed the Programming Methodology Department. Dr. G. Grigas is appointed Head of the Department.

The Software Engineering Department was reorganized into the Group of Computer Support of Publication. Genė Masiulienė besame its head. The name was later changed to Computer Publishing Group.
The Image Analysis Laboratory (VAL) has been dismantled.

After the MLATS leader Dr. V. Matulis became a member of the Vilnius City Council and resigned from the IMI, MLATS was divided into two departments:
Software Engineering Department (SED). Head Dr. Albertas Čaplinskas.
Mathematical Logic department (MLD). Head Habil. Dr. Regimantas Pliuškevičius. 

masiuliene250x364G. Masiulienė caplinskas300x436Dr. Albertas Čaplinskas pliuskevicius300x436Habil. Dr. Reginamtas Pliuškevičius
1994 The building of the Computing Centre was leased to MODERA and later sold by the Ministry of Education and Science (without IMI's knowledge).
14 March 1994 LITNET has become part of the World Wide Web (Internet).
3 November 1994

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The UNESCO Chair "Informatics for the Humanities" is established. Prof. Laimutis Telksnys has been appointed as the Head of the Chair.

12 January 1995

Prof. Mifodijus Sapagovas is elected Director of Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.

sapagovas dir 627x400

27 February 1995 statulevicius82 250x363

Acad. Vytautas Statulevičius is elected President of the IMI Senate.
27 December 1995

The Optimal Solution Theory Sector (OSTS) was renamed the Optimization Department (OD) headed by Prof. J. Mockus.

14 February 1996

lupeikiene j 136x200

The Management Systems Department
has been merged into the Software Systems Engineering Department as a sector. Dr. Audronė Lupeikienė has been appointed Head of sector.
Process Management Group merged into the Process Recognition Department.

9 March 1997



The Differential Equations Sector (DES) has been headed by Prof. Dr. Habil. Konstantinas Pileckas.

1 April 1999 Algorithms and Programmes Fund Group abolished.
With the introduction of personal computers, the software for them is purchased from the companies that distribute it.
30 May 2001 Prof. Gintautas Dzemyda becomes the Institute's Deputy Director for Scientific (Informatics) Affairs.
2 January 2002
dagiene1 250x364
Dr. Valentina Dagienė has been appointed head of the Programming Methodology Department.
27 February 2002 The Programming Methodology Department was renamed Informatics Methodology Department. Dr. Valentina Dagienė remains in the chair.
5 January 2003 sulcas 2001 v

The Computer Networks Laboratory was established. The head – Petras Šulcas.
The laboratory consists of staff from the Calculation Laboratory, the ESML Electronics Group and the "Serentis" staff.
17 April 2003

The Systems Analysis Department (SAD) was established. Head Prof. Gintautas Dzemyda.
SAD was set up, based on a group of scientists of Optimization Department
The Operational Research Sector was established into SAD. The header – Habil. Dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas.
A long-standing team in the System Analysis Department has been formalized.

dzemyda14vProf. Habil. Dr. Gintautas Dzemyda sakalauskas250x364 1Prof. Habil. Dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas
27 May 2003 By Resolution No 669 of 27 May 2003, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania approves the new Statute of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
Among other items, the Senate is abolished and replaced by a Council.
3 September 2003 kubiliusk n300x436

Prof. Habil. Dr. Kęstutis Kubilius is elected President of the Council of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics.
2 January 2004


Dr. Habil. Vidmantas Bentkus has been heading the Probability Theory Department (PTD).

15 December 2004

Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintautas Dzemyda is elected Director of the IMI.
Dr. Stasys Rutkauskas, who was previously Scientific Secretary, was appointed Deputy Director.
Dr. Saulius Maskeliūnas became Scientific Secretary.

dzemyda dir24 627x400Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintautas Dzemyda rutkauskas300x436Dr. Stasys Rutkauskas maskeliunas65 300x436Dr. Saulius Maskeliūnas
2 March 2005

The Information and Patent Department was renamed into the Information and Publishing Department. Aidas Žandaris is appointed Head of the Department. The previously independent Computer Publishing Group, headed by Genovaitė Masiulienė, was merged into the department. 
The Science Research Automation Laboratory was reorganized into the Computational Linguistics Group and connected to Informatics Methodology Department. Snieguolė Meškauskienė is appointed Group Header.

zandaris4 250x364Aidas Žandaris meskauskiene300x436Snieguolė Meškauskienė
1 March 2006

surgailis2t 250x363

The head of the Mathematical Statistics Department was Prof. Donatas Surgailis.

13 December 2006

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics , hosts an event mii 50 ma as to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Attached: collection of photos of the event

21 March 2007

A meeting of the Institute's Council takes place, which changes the structure of IMI.
The Probability Theory Department merge with the Applied Statistics Department and named the Probability Theory and Statistics Department. The header – Habil. Dr. Vidmantas Bentkus.
The Optimisation Department has been merged into the Systems Analysis Department as a sector. Prof. Antanas Žilinskas is appointed Head of the Sector.
The Mathematical Statistics Department rename into the Stochastic Processes Department. The Department continues to be headed by Prof. Donatas Surgailis.
The Computer Publishing Group is abolished.

bentkusv1vHabil. Dr. Vidmantas Bentkus zilinskasa129 vProf. Dr. Antanas Žilinskas surgailis0vProf. Donatas Surgailis
30 May 2007

stikonasa 2006 k

Assoc. Prof Dr. Artūras Štikonas head of the Numerical Analysis Department.

1 September 2008

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Prof. Dr. (HP) Stasys Rutkauskas header of the Differential Equations Department.

2 December 2009 The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics is merged with Vilnius University by Government Decision No 1632.
1 January 2010 jonusasr 2006 v

Romaldas Jonušas takes over the Computer Networking Laboratory.
20 January 2010 A meeting of the Institute's Council takes place, which changes the structure of IMI.
The Mathematical Logic Department is merged into the Software Engineering Department as a sector. Habil. Dr. Regimantas Pliuškevičius is appointed Head of Sector.
Abolition of the Computer Publishing Group in the Information and Publishing Department . 
24 March 2010 A meeting of the Institute's Council takes place, which changes the structure of IMI.
Abolition of the Data Analysis Department. The Operational Research Sector transferred to the System Analysis Department. Habil. Dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas continues to be the Head of Sector.
The Differential Equations Department is merged into the Numerical Analysis Department as a sector. Dr. (HP) Stasys Rutkauskas is retained as Head of sector. 
2 June 2010 Following the sudden death of Habil. Dr. Vidmantas Bentkus, Head of the Probability Theory and Statistics Department, Prof. Habil. Dr. Jonas Sunklodas temporarily takes over as Head. 
21 July 2010 By Resolution No 1057 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics shall be deregistered from the Register of Legal Entities by 30 September 2010. 
15 September 2010 sunklodas2v 1

Prof. Habil. Dr. Jonas Sunklodas is elected head of the Probability Theory and Statistics Department 
1 October 2010

vu mii

The Institute of Mathematics and Informatics has become a stem unit of Vilnius University –
Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

2010-2017 VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics

1 October 2010 the Information and Publishing Department reformatted into the Common Affairs Department, which was left to be led by Aidas Žandaris. 
4 May 2011 Prof. Habil. Dr. Kęstutis Kubilius was elected the Probability Theory and Statistics Department
1 September 2011 g tamulevicius

Dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius has been appointed Head of the Recognition Processes Department by order of the Rector. 
25 April 2012 j zilinskas

Prof. Dr. (HP) Julius Žilinskas was elected Head of the Recognition Processes Department
2 May 2012 Abolished The Differential Equations sector.
2013 The Computing Centre building is no longer in use. 
30 April 2014 gudas

Prof. Dr. (HP) Saulius Gudas elected Head of the Software Engineering Department at the VU MII Council meeting. 
15 October 2015

rapecka a


Dr. Aurimas Rapečka is appointed Head of the Computer Networks Laboratory.

15 March 2017

A meeting of the Institute's Council has taken place, which has changed the structure of the VU IMI. The Institute's departments are abolished, but groups are formed on their basis.
Academic structures:
Education Systems Group. Head Valentina Dagienė
Global Optimization Group. Head Julius Žilinskas
Cyber-Social Systems Engineering Group. Head Saulius Gudas
Cognitive Computing Group. Head Gintautas Dzemyda
Mathematical Physics Equations Group. Head Artūras Štikonas
Operations Research Group. Head Leonidas Sakalauskas.
Statistics and Probability Group. Head Kęstutis Kubilius
Image and Signal Analysis Group. Head Povilas Treigys

valentina dagiene mif 180307 00609Prof. Dr. (HP) Valentina Dagienė julius zilinskas mif 180307 00237Prof. Dr. (HP) Julius Žilinskas saulius gudas mif 180307 00375Prof. Dr. (HP) Saulius Gudas gintautas dzemyda mif 180307 00298Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintautas Dzemyda
arturas stikonasDr. (HP) Artūras Štikonas leonidas sakalauskas mif 180307 00500Prof. Habil. Dr. Leonidas Sakalauskas kestutis kubilius mif 180307 00157Prof. Habil. Dr. Kęstutis Kubilius povilas treigys mif 180307 00354Assoc. Prof Dr. Povilas Treigys

Non-academic structures:
Common Affairs Department. Head Aidas Žandaris.
Project Department. Head Laimutė Mikalauskienė.

19 April 2017 Abolished Common Affairs Department.
Abolished Project Department
1 October 2017 dmsti lit
Vilnius university Institute of Mathematics and Informatics is reorganised by merging it into Vilnius university Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and renamed Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies (Resolution of the VU Senate No. S-2017-7-5 2017-06-13).
27 October 2017 Abolished Mathematical Physics Equations Group

from 2018 VU MIF Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies

9 February 2018 remigijus paulavicius mif 180307 00189

The Blockchain Technologies Group was established. Head Dr. Remigijus Paulavičius
21 September 2018

virginijus marcinkevicius mif 180307 00441

The Operations Investigation Group was liquidated. The Intelligent Technologies Research Group was established. Head Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius.

23 October 2020

The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory was established. Head Dr. Virginijus Marcinkevičius.

17 February 2023


Interdisciplinary Statistical Research Group was established. Head Prof. Dr. Audronė Jakaitienė.

1 September 2023 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Audronė Lupeikienė has been appointed Head of the Cyber-Social Systems Engineering Group.
1 January 2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tatjana Jevsikova has been appointed Head of the Education System Group.
23 February 2024 The name of the Blockchain Technologies Group was changed to Blockchain and Quantum Technologies Group.
13 March 2024



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gintautas Tamulevičius was elected Director of the DMSTI (director as of 22 April 2024).